AddressBookPage Create a new address Creu cyfeiriad newydd &New &Newydd Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Copio'r cyfeiriad sydd wedi'i ddewis i'r clipfwrdd system &Copy &Copïo C&lose C&au &Export &Allforio &Delete &Dileu AddressTableModel AskPassphraseDialog Enter passphrase Teipiwch gyfrinymadrodd New passphrase Cyfrinymadrodd newydd Repeat new passphrase Ailadroddwch gyfrinymadrodd newydd BanTableModel BitcoinGUI Synchronizing with network... Cysoni â'r rhwydwaith... &Overview &Trosolwg Show general overview of wallet Dangos trosolwg cyffredinol y waled &Transactions &Trafodion Browse transaction history Pori hanes trafodion E&xit A&llanfa Quit application Gadael rhaglen About &Qt Ynghylch &Qt &Options... &Opsiynau &Encrypt Wallet... &Amgryptio'r waled... &Change Passphrase... &Newid cyfrinymadrodd... &Sending addresses... &Cyfeiriadau anfon... &Receiving addresses... &Cyfeiriadau derbyn... Open &URI... Agor &URI... Change the passphrase used for wallet encryption Newid y cyfrinymadrodd a ddefnyddiwyd ar gyfer amgryptio'r waled Bitcoin Bitcoin Wallet Waled &Send &Anfon &Receive &Derbyn &Show / Hide &Dangos / Cuddio &File &Ffeil &Settings &Gosodiadau &Help &Cymorth Tabs toolbar Bar offer tabiau Error Gwall Warning Rhybudd Information Gwybodaeth Up to date Cyfamserol Catching up... Dal i fyny Date: %1 Dyddiad: %1 Type: %1 Math: %1 Label: %1 Label: %1 Address: %1 Cyfeiriad: %1 Sent transaction Trafodiad a anfonwyd Incoming transaction Trafodiad sy'n cyrraedd Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b> Mae'r waled <b>wedi'i amgryptio</b> ac <b>heb ei gloi</b> ar hyn o bryd Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b> Mae'r waled <b>wedi'i amgryptio</b> ac <b>ar glo</b> ar hyn o bryd CoinControlDialog Amount: Maint Date Dyddiad EditAddressDialog Edit Address Golygu'r cyfeiriad &Label &Label &Address &Cyfeiriad FreespaceChecker name enw HelpMessageDialog Usage: Cynefod: Intro Welcome Croeso Error Gwall ModalOverlay Form Ffurflen OpenURIDialog Open URI Agor URI URI: URI: OptionsDialog Options Opsiynau &Network &Rhwydwaith W&allet W&aled IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 Tor Tor &Window &Ffenestr &Display &Dangos OverviewPage Form Ffurflen PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject %1 and %2 %1 a %2 QObject::QObject QRImageWidget RPCConsole &Information Gwybodaeth Network Rhwydwaith &Open &Agor ReceiveCoinsDialog &Label: &Label: ReceiveRequestDialog Copy &Address &Cyfeiriad Copi RecentRequestsTableModel SendCoinsDialog Send Coins Anfon arian Amount: Maint Send to multiple recipients at once Anfon at pobl lluosog ar yr un pryd Balance: Gweddill: Confirm the send action Cadarnhau'r gweithrediad anfon SendCoinsEntry A&mount: &Maint &Label: &Label: Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Gludo cyfeiriad o'r glipfwrdd Alt+P Alt+P Message: Neges: SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog Alt+A Alt+A Paste address from clipboard Gludo cyfeiriad o'r glipfwrdd Alt+P Alt+P SplashScreen [testnet] [testnet] TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel TransactionView UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView bitcoin-core Options: Opsiynau: Bitcoin Core Craidd Bitcoin Information Gwybodaeth Warning Rhybudd Error Gwall