AddressBookPageRight-click to edit address or labelአድራሻ ወይም መለያ ስም ለመቀየር ቀኙን ጠቅ ያድርጉCreate a new addressአዲስ አድራሻ ይፍጠሩ&New&አዲስCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboardአሁን የተመረጠውን አድራሻ ወደ ስርዓቱ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ይቅዱ&Copy&ይቅዱC&loseይዝጉDelete the currently selected address from the listአሁን የተመረጠውን አድራሻ ከዝርዝሩ ውስጥ ያጥፉEnter address or label to searchለመፈለግ አድራሻ ወይም መለያ ያስገቡExport the data in the current tab to a fileበዚህ ማውጫ ውስጥ ያለውን ውሂብ ወደ ፋይል አዛውረው ያስቀምጡ&Export&ይላኩ&Delete&ይሰርዙChoose the address to send coins toገንዘብ/ኮይኖች የሚልኩበትን አድራሻ ይምረጡChoose the address to receive coins withገንዘብ/ኮይኖች የሚቀበሉበትን አድራሻ ይምረጡC&hooseምረጥThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.ክፍያዎችን ለመላክ እነዚህ የእርስዎ ቢትኮይን አድራሻዎች ናቸው። ሳንቲሞችን/ኮይኖች ከመላክዎ በፊት ሁል ጊዜ መጠኑን እና የተቀባዩን አድራሻ ያረጋግጡ።These are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. Use the 'Create new receiving address' button in the receive tab to create new addresses.
Signing is only possible with addresses of the type 'legacy'.እነኚህ የቢትኮይን አድራሻዎች የክፍያ መቀበያ አድራሻዎችዎ ናችው። "ተቀበል" በሚለው መደብ ውስጥ ያለውን "አዲስ የመቀበያ አድራሻ ይፍጠሩ" የሚለውን አዝራር ይጠቀሙ።
መፈረም የሚቻለው "ሌጋሲ" በሚል ምድብ ስር በተመደቡ አድራሻዎች ብቻ ነው።&Copy Address&አድራሻ ቅዳCopy &Labelቅዳ &መለያ ስም&Edit &አርምExport Address Listየአድራሻ ዝርዝር ላክComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See:በንዑስ ሰረዝ የተለዩ ፋይሎችThere was an error trying to save the address list to %1. Please try again.An error message. %1 is a stand-in argument for the name of the file we attempted to save to.የአድራሻ ዝርዝሩን ወደ %1 ለማስቀመጥ ሲሞከር ስህተት አጋጥሟል:: እባክዎ መልሰው ይሞክሩ::Sending addresses - %1አድራሻዎችን በመላክ ላይ - %1Receiving addresses - %1አድራሻዎችን በማቀበል ላይ - %1Exporting Failedወደ ውጪ መላክ አልተሳካምAddressTableModelLabelመለያ ስምAddressአድራሻ(no label)(መለያ ስም የለም)AskPassphraseDialogPassphrase Dialogየይለፍ-ሐረግ ንግግርEnter passphraseየይለፍ-ሐረግዎን ያስገቡNew passphraseአዲስ የይለፍ-ሐረግRepeat new passphraseአዲስ የይለፍ-ሐረጉን ይድገሙትShow passphraseየይለፍ-ሀረጉን አሳይEncrypt walletየቢትኮይን ቦርሳውን አመስጥርThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.ይህ ክንዋኔ የቢትኮይን ቦርሳዎን ለመክፈት የቦርሳዎ ይለፍ-ሐረግ ያስፈልገዋል::Unlock walletየቢትኮይን ቦርሳውን ክፈትChange passphraseይለፍ-ሐረግ ለውጥConfirm wallet encryptionየቢትኮይን ቦርሳዎን ማመስጠር ያረጋግጡWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!ማስጠንቀቂያ: የቢትኮይን ቦርሳዎን አመስጥረው የይለፍ-ሐረግዎን ካጡት<b>ቢትኮይኖቾን በሙሉ ያጣሉ</b>!Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?እርግጠኛ ነዎት ቦርሳዎን ማመስጠር ይፈልጋሉ?Wallet encryptedቦርሳዎ ምስጢር ተደርጓልBackተመለስWallet to be encryptedለመመስጠር የተዘጋጀ ዋሌትYour wallet is about to be encrypted. ቦርሳዎ ሊመሰጠር ነው። Your wallet is now encrypted. ቦርሳዎ አሁን ተመስጥሯል። IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.አስፈላጊ: ከ ቦርሳ ፋይልዎ ያከናወኗቸው ቀደም ያሉ ምትኬዎች በአዲስ በተፈጠረ የማመስጠሪያ ፋይል ውስጥ መተካት አለባቸው. ለደህንነት ሲባል, አዲሱን የተመሰጠ የቦርሳ ፋይል መጠቀም ሲጀመሩ ወዲያውኑ ቀደም ሲል ያልተመሰጠሩ የቦርሳ ፋይል ቅጂዎች ዋጋ ቢስ ይሆናሉ::Wallet encryption failedየቦርሳ ማመስጠር አልተሳካምWallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.የቦርሳ ማመስጠር በውስጣዊ ስህተት ምክንያት አልተሳካም:: ቦርሳዎ አልተመሰጠረም::The supplied passphrases do not match.የተሰጡት የይለፍ-ሐረግዎች አይዛመዱም::Wallet unlock failedቦርሳ መክፈት አልተሳካምThe passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.ቦርሳ ለመፍታት ያስገቡት የይለፍ-ሐረግ ትክክል አልነበረም::Wallet passphrase was successfully changed.የቦርሳ የይለፍ-ሐረግ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ተቀይሯል.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!ማስጠንቀቂያ: የ "Caps Lock" ቁልፍ በርቷል!BanTableModelIP/Netmaskአይፒ/ኔትማስክ IP/NetmaskBanned Untilታግደዋል እስከBitcoinApplicationInternal errorውስጣዊ ስህተትAn internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.ውስጣዊ ችግር ተፈጥሯል። %1 ደህንነቱን ጠብቆ ለመቀጠል ይሞክራል። ይህ ችግር ያልተጠበቀ ሲሆን ከታች በተገለፀው መሰረት ችግሩን ማመልከት ይቻላል። QObjectDo you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting.ቅንብሩን መጀመሪያ ወደነበረው ነባሪ ዋጋ መመለስ ይፈልጋሉ? ወይስ ምንም አይነት ለውጥ ሳያደርጉ እንዲከሽፍ ይፈልጋሉ?Error: %1ስህተት፥ %1Embedded "%1"የተከተተ "%1"Default system font "%1"ነባሪ የስርዓት ቅርጸ-ቁምፊ "%1Custom…ብጁ…Amountመጠን%n second(s)%n second(s)%n second(s)%n minute(s)%n minute(s)%n minute(s)%n hour(s)%n hour(s)%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n day(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%n week(s)%n week(s)%n year(s)%n year(s)%n year(s)default walletመደበኛ ዋሌትBitcoinGUI&Overview&አጠቃላይ እይታShow general overview of walletየቦርሳ አጠቃላይ እይታ ኣሳይ&Transactions&ግብይቶችBrowse transaction historyየግብይት ታሪክ ያስሱE&xitውጣQuit applicationአፕሊኬሽኑን አቁም&About %1&ስለ %1Show information about %1ስለ %1 መረጃ አሳይAbout &Qtስለ &QtShow information about Qtስለ Qt መረጃ አሳይCreate a new walletአዲስ ዋሌት ፍጠርWallet:ዋሌት&Send&ላክ&Receive&ተቀበል&Change Passphrase…&የይለፍ ቃል ቀይር…Sign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own themበእርሶ የተያዙ መሆኑን ለማረጋገጥ በBitcoin አድራሻዎችዎ መልዕክቶችን ይፈርሙ&File&ፋይል&Settings&ቅንብሮች&Help&እርዳታProcessed %n block(s) of transaction history.Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.Processed %n block(s) of transaction history.ErrorስህተትWarningማሳስቢያInformationመረጃOpen Walletዋሌት ክፈትOpen a walletዋሌት ክፈትClose walletዋሌት ዝጋMigrate Walletዋሌትዎን ያዛውሩMigrate a walletዋሌትዎን ያዛውሩWallet NameLabel of the input field where the name of the wallet is entered.ዋሌት ስምZoomእሳድግ%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.A substring of the tooltip.%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network.Error creating walletዋሌትዎን ለፍጠር ተሳስተዋል Cannot create new wallet, the software was compiled without sqlite support (required for descriptor wallets)አዲስ ዋሌት መፍጠር አልተቻለም፣ ሶፍትዌሩ የተቀናበረው ያለ ስኩላይት ድጋፍ ነው (ለገላጭ ዋሌቶች ያስፈልጋል)Error: %1ስህተት፥ %1Warning: %1ማሳሰቢያ፥ %1Date: %1
ቀን፥ %1
Amount: %1
መጠን፥ %1
Address: %1
አድራሻ፥ %1
CoinControlDialogQuantity:ብዛት፥Amount:መጠን፥Fee:ክፍያ፥AmountመጠንDateቀንCopy amountመጠኑ ገልብጥCopy feeክፍያው ቅዳ(no label)(መለያ ስም የለም)MigrateWalletActivityMigrate walletዋሌት ያዛውሩMigrating the wallet will convert this wallet to one or more descriptor wallets. A new wallet backup will need to be made.
If this wallet contains any watchonly scripts, a new wallet will be created which contains those watchonly scripts.
If this wallet contains any solvable but not watched scripts, a different and new wallet will be created which contains those scripts.
The migration process will create a backup of the wallet before migrating. This backup file will be named <wallet name>-<timestamp>.legacy.bak and can be found in the directory for this wallet. In the event of an incorrect migration, the backup can be restored with the "Restore Wallet" functionality.ዋሌትን ማዛወር ይህንን ዋሌት አንድ ወይም ከዚያ በላይ ወደሆነ ገላጭ ዋሌቶች ይቀይረዋል።አዲስ ዋሌት ማዘጋጀት ያስፈልጋል ።ይህ ዋሌት ምንም ዓይነት የመመልከት ብቻ ስክሪፕቶችን የያዘ ከሆነ፣እነዚያን የመመልከት ብቻ ስክሪፕቶችን የያዘ አዲስ ዋሌት ይፈጠራል።ይህ ዋሌት ሊፈቱ የሚችሉ ነገር ግን የመመልከት ብቻ ያልሆኑ ስክሪፕቶችን የያዘ ከሆነ ፣ እነዚህን የያዘ አዲስ እና ልዩ የሆነ ዋሌት ይፈጠራል ።የማዛወር ሂደቱ ማዘዋወር ከመፈጸሙ በፊት የነዚህን ዋሌቶች መጠባበቂያ ቅጂ ይይዛል።ይህ መጠባበቂያ ቅጂ 1-2 legacy.bak ተብሎ ተሰይሞ በዋሌቱ ማውጫ ውስጥ ይገኛል።የተሳሳተ ዝውውር በሚከሰትበት ጊዜየመጠባበቂያ ቅጂው በ ዋሌት መመለሻ መተግበሪያ ውስጥ ይከማቻል።Migrate Walletዋሌትዎን ያዛውሩMigrating Wallet <b>%1</b>…ዋሌት ማዘዋወር <b>%1</b>…The wallet '%1' was migrated successfully.ዋሌት '%1' በትክክል ተዛውሯል Watchonly scripts have been migrated to a new wallet named '%1'.የመመልከት ብቻ ስክሪፕቶች'%1'.ወደ ተሰኘው ዋሌት ተዛውረዋል Solvable but not watched scripts have been migrated to a new wallet named '%1'.ሊፈቱ የሚችሉ ነገር ግን የማይታዩ ስክሪፕቶች ወደ አዲስ ዋሌት ተዛውረዋል '%1'።Migration failedዝውውሩ አልተሳካም Migration Successfulዝውውር ተሳክቷል OpenWalletActivityOpen WalletTitle of window indicating the progress of opening of a wallet.ዋሌት ክፈትWalletControllerClose walletዋሌት ዝጋCreateWalletDialogYou are one step away from creating your new wallet!አዲሱን ዋሌትዎን ለመፍጠር አንድ እርምጃ ይቀርዎታልPlease provide a name and, if desired, enable any advanced optionsእባክዎ ስም ያስገቡ እና ከተፈለገ ማንኛውንም የላቁ አማራጮችን ያንቁWallet Nameዋሌት ስምCreateፍጠርFreespaceCheckernameስምIntroBitcoinቢትኮይን%n GB of space available%n GB of space available%n GB of space available(of %n GB needed)(of %n GB needed)(of %n GB needed)(%n GB needed for full chain)(%n GB needed for full chain)(%n GB needed for full chain)(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)Explanatory text on the capability of the current prune target.(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)(sufficient to restore backups %n day(s) old)ErrorስህተትWelcomeእንኳን ደህና መጣህWelcome to %1.እንኳን ወድ %1 በደህና መጣህ።HelpMessageDialogversionስሪትAbout %1ስለ እኛ %1ModalOverlayFormከHideደብቅOptionsDialogFont in the Overview tab: በአጠቃላይ እይታ ትር ውስጥ ያለ ፊደልErrorስህተትOverviewPageFormከPSBTOperationsDialogSends %1 to %2%1 ወደ %2 ይልካልPeerTableModelAddressTitle of Peers Table column which contains the IP/Onion/I2P address of the connected peer.አድራሻRPCConsoleLocal Addressesየአካባቢ አድራሻዎችNetwork addresses that your Bitcoin node is currently using to communicate with other nodes.የእርስዎ Bitcoin ኖድ ከሌሎች ኖዶች ጋር ለመገናኘት በአሁኑ ጊዜ እየተጠቀመበት ያለው የአውታረ መረብ አድራሻ።Hide Peers Detailየአቻዎችን ዝርዝር ደብቅThe transport layer version: %1የማጓጓዣ ንብርብር ስሪት፡ %1TransportመጓጓዣSession IDየክፍለ ጊዜ መለያThe BIP324 session ID string in hex.የBIP324 ክፍለ ጊዜ መለያ ሕብረቁምፊ በሄክስ።detecting: peer could be v1 or v2Explanatory text for "detecting" transport type.ማወቅ፡ እኩያ v1 ወይም v2 ሊሆን ይችላል።v1: unencrypted, plaintext transport protocolExplanatory text for v1 transport type.v1፡ ያልተመሰጠረ፣ ግልጽ የጽሑፍ ትራንስፖርት ፕሮቶኮልv2: BIP324 encrypted transport protocolExplanatory text for v2 transport type.v2፡ BIP324 የተመሰጠረ የትራንስፖርት ፕሮቶኮልNode window - [%1]የኖድ መስኮት - [%1]ReceiveRequestDialogAmount:መጠን፥Wallet:ዋሌትRecentRequestsTableModelDateቀንLabelመለያ ስም(no label)(መለያ ስም የለም)SendCoinsDialogQuantity:ብዛት፥Amount:መጠን፥Fee:ክፍያ፥HideደብቅCopy amountመጠኑ ገልብጥCopy feeክፍያው ቅዳ%1 from wallet '%2'%1 ከዋሌት %2'Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).(no label)(መለያ ስም የለም)SignVerifyMessageDialogYou can sign messages/agreements with your legacy (P2PKH) addresses to prove you can receive bitcoins sent to them. Be careful not to sign anything vague or random, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to.ወደ እነርሱ የተላኩ ቢትኮይን መቀበል እንደሚችሉ ለማረጋገጥ ከርስዎ (P2PKH) አድራሻዎች ጋር መልዕክቶችን/ስምምነቶችን መፈረም ይችላሉ። የማስገር ጥቃቶች እርስዎን ማንነትዎን በእነሱ ላይ እንዲፈርሙ ሊያታልሉዎት ስለሚችሉ ግልጽ ያልሆነ ወይም በዘፈቀደ ላለመፈረም ይጠንቀቁ። የተስማሙባቸውን ሙሉ ዝርዝር መግለጫዎች ብቻ ይፈርሙ።The entered address does not refer to a legacy (P2PKH) key. Message signing for SegWit and other non-P2PKH address types is not supported in this version of %1. Please check the address and try again.የገባው አድራሻ የቅርስ (P2PKH) ቁልፍን አያመለክትም። ለሴግዊት እና ሌሎች P2PKH ላልሆኑ የአድራሻ አይነቶች የመልዕክት መፈረም በዚህ የ%1 ስሪት ውስጥ አይደገፍም። እባክዎ አድራሻውን ያረጋግጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ።TransactionDescDateቀንmatures in %n more block(s)matures in %n more block(s)matures in %n more block(s)%1 (Certificate was not verified)%1 (ማረጋገጫው አልተረጋገጠም)AmountመጠንTransactionTableModelDateቀንLabelመለያ ስም(no label)(መለያ ስም የለም)TransactionViewComma separated fileExpanded name of the CSV file format. See:በንዑስ ሰረዝ የተለዩ ፋይሎችDateቀንLabelመለያ ስምAddressአድራሻExporting Failedወደ ውጪ መላክ አልተሳካምWalletFrameCreate a new walletአዲስ ዋሌት ፍጠርErrorስህተትWalletModelFee-bump PSBT copied to clipboardከክፍያ-ነፃ PSBT ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ተቀድቷል።Signer errorየፈራሚ ስህተትWalletView&Export&ይላኩExport the data in the current tab to a fileበዚህ ማውጫ ውስጥ ያለውን ውሂብ ወደ ፋይል አዛውረው ያስቀምጡ