AddressBookPage Create a new address Skep 'n nuwe adres Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard Maak 'n kopie van die huidige adres na die stelsel klipbord &Delete &Verwyder AddressTableModel AskPassphraseDialog Passphrase Dialog Wagfrase Dialoog Enter passphrase Tik wagfrase in New passphrase Nuwe wagfrase Repeat new passphrase Herhaal nuwe wagfrase BanTableModel BitcoinGUI Synchronizing with network... Sinchroniseer met die netwerk ... &Overview &Oorsig Show general overview of wallet Wys algemene oorsig van die beursie &Transactions &Transaksies Browse transaction history Besoek transaksie geskiedenis E&xit S&luit af Quit application Sluit af Show information about Qt Wys inligting oor Qt &Options... &Opsies Bitcoin Bitcoin Wallet Beursie &File &LĂȘer &Settings &Instellings &Help &Hulp Tabs toolbar Blad nutsbalk %1 behind %1 agter Last received block was generated %1 ago. Ontvangs van laaste blok is %1 terug. Error Fout Information Informasie CoinControlDialog Amount: Bedrag: Amount Bedrag Date Datum EditAddressDialog &Label &Etiket &Address &Adres FreespaceChecker HelpMessageDialog Usage: Gebruik: Intro Error Fout OpenURIDialog OptionsDialog Options Opsies W&allet &Beursie OverviewPage Form Vorm PaymentServer PeerTableModel QObject Amount Bedrag QRImageWidget RPCConsole &Information Informasie ReceiveCoinsDialog &Amount: &Bedrag: &Message: &Boodskap: ReceiveRequestDialog RecentRequestsTableModel SendCoinsDialog Send Coins Stuur Munstukke Insufficient funds! Onvoldoende fondse Amount: Bedrag: Transaction Fee: Transaksie fooi: Send to multiple recipients at once Stuur aan vele ontvangers op eens Balance: Balans: S&end S&tuur SendCoinsEntry A&mount: &Bedrag: Message: Boodskap: SendConfirmationDialog ShutdownWindow SignVerifyMessageDialog &Sign Message &Teken boodskap Signature Handtekening Sign &Message Teken &Boodskap SplashScreen TrafficGraphWidget TransactionDesc TransactionDescDialog TransactionTableModel TransactionView UnitDisplayStatusBarControl WalletFrame WalletModel WalletView bitcoin-core Options: Opsies: Error: Disk space is low! Fout: Hardeskyf spasie is baie laag! Information Informasie Loading addresses... Laai adresse... Insufficient funds Onvoldoende fondse Loading block index... Laai blok indeks... Loading wallet... Laai beursie... Done loading Klaar gelaai Error Fout