// Copyright (c) 2011-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET #include #include #include #endif // ENABLE_WALLET #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(QT_STATICPLUGIN) #include #if defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_XCB) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QXcbIntegrationPlugin); #elif defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin); Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsVistaStylePlugin); #elif defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_COCOA) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QCocoaIntegrationPlugin); Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QMacStylePlugin); #endif #endif // Declare meta types used for QMetaObject::invokeMethod Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(bool*) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(CAmount) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(SynchronizationState) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(uint256) static void RegisterMetaTypes() { // Register meta types used for QMetaObject::invokeMethod and Qt::QueuedConnection qRegisterMetaType(); qRegisterMetaType(); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET qRegisterMetaType(); #endif // Register typedefs (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmetatype.html#qRegisterMetaType) // IMPORTANT: if CAmount is no longer a typedef use the normal variant above (see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmetatype.html#qRegisterMetaType-1) qRegisterMetaType("CAmount"); qRegisterMetaType("size_t"); qRegisterMetaType>("std::function"); qRegisterMetaType("QMessageBox::Icon"); qRegisterMetaType("interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo"); } static QString GetLangTerritory() { QSettings settings; // Get desired locale (e.g. "de_DE") // 1) System default language QString lang_territory = QLocale::system().name(); // 2) Language from QSettings QString lang_territory_qsettings = settings.value("language", "").toString(); if(!lang_territory_qsettings.isEmpty()) lang_territory = lang_territory_qsettings; // 3) -lang command line argument lang_territory = QString::fromStdString(gArgs.GetArg("-lang", lang_territory.toStdString())); return lang_territory; } /** Set up translations */ static void initTranslations(QTranslator &qtTranslatorBase, QTranslator &qtTranslator, QTranslator &translatorBase, QTranslator &translator) { // Remove old translators QApplication::removeTranslator(&qtTranslatorBase); QApplication::removeTranslator(&qtTranslator); QApplication::removeTranslator(&translatorBase); QApplication::removeTranslator(&translator); // Get desired locale (e.g. "de_DE") // 1) System default language QString lang_territory = GetLangTerritory(); // Convert to "de" only by truncating "_DE" QString lang = lang_territory; lang.truncate(lang_territory.lastIndexOf('_')); // Load language files for configured locale: // - First load the translator for the base language, without territory // - Then load the more specific locale translator // Load e.g. qt_de.qm if (qtTranslatorBase.load("qt_" + lang, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) QApplication::installTranslator(&qtTranslatorBase); // Load e.g. qt_de_DE.qm if (qtTranslator.load("qt_" + lang_territory, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) QApplication::installTranslator(&qtTranslator); // Load e.g. bitcoin_de.qm (shortcut "de" needs to be defined in bitcoin.qrc) if (translatorBase.load(lang, ":/translations/")) QApplication::installTranslator(&translatorBase); // Load e.g. bitcoin_de_DE.qm (shortcut "de_DE" needs to be defined in bitcoin.qrc) if (translator.load(lang_territory, ":/translations/")) QApplication::installTranslator(&translator); } static bool InitSettings() { if (!gArgs.GetSettingsPath()) { return true; // Do nothing if settings file disabled. } std::vector errors; if (!gArgs.ReadSettingsFile(&errors)) { bilingual_str error = _("Settings file could not be read"); InitError(Untranslated(strprintf("%s:\n%s\n", error.original, MakeUnorderedList(errors)))); QMessageBox messagebox(QMessageBox::Critical, PACKAGE_NAME, QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s.", error.translated)), QMessageBox::Reset | QMessageBox::Abort); /*: Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file cannot be read. Prompts user to make a choice between resetting or aborting. */ messagebox.setInformativeText(QObject::tr("Do you want to reset settings to default values, or to abort without making changes?")); messagebox.setDetailedText(QString::fromStdString(MakeUnorderedList(errors))); messagebox.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); messagebox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Reset); switch (messagebox.exec()) { case QMessageBox::Reset: break; case QMessageBox::Abort: return false; default: assert(false); } } errors.clear(); if (!gArgs.WriteSettingsFile(&errors)) { bilingual_str error = _("Settings file could not be written"); InitError(Untranslated(strprintf("%s:\n%s\n", error.original, MakeUnorderedList(errors)))); QMessageBox messagebox(QMessageBox::Critical, PACKAGE_NAME, QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s.", error.translated)), QMessageBox::Ok); /*: Explanatory text shown on startup when the settings file could not be written. Prompts user to check that we have the ability to write to the file. Explains that the user has the option of running without a settings file.*/ messagebox.setInformativeText(QObject::tr("A fatal error occurred. Check that settings file is writable, or try running with -nosettings.")); messagebox.setDetailedText(QString::fromStdString(MakeUnorderedList(errors))); messagebox.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); messagebox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); messagebox.exec(); return false; } return true; } /* qDebug() message handler --> debug.log */ void DebugMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString &msg) { Q_UNUSED(context); if (type == QtDebugMsg) { LogPrint(BCLog::QT, "GUI: %s\n", msg.toStdString()); } else { LogPrintf("GUI: %s\n", msg.toStdString()); } } static int qt_argc = 1; static const char* qt_argv = "bitcoin-qt"; BitcoinApplication::BitcoinApplication(): QApplication(qt_argc, const_cast(&qt_argv)), optionsModel(nullptr), clientModel(nullptr), window(nullptr), pollShutdownTimer(nullptr), returnValue(0), platformStyle(nullptr) { // Qt runs setlocale(LC_ALL, "") on initialization. RegisterMetaTypes(); setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); } void BitcoinApplication::setupPlatformStyle() { // UI per-platform customization // This must be done inside the BitcoinApplication constructor, or after it, because // PlatformStyle::instantiate requires a QApplication std::string platformName; platformName = gArgs.GetArg("-uiplatform", BitcoinGUI::DEFAULT_UIPLATFORM); platformStyle = PlatformStyle::instantiate(QString::fromStdString(platformName)); if (!platformStyle) // Fall back to "other" if specified name not found platformStyle = PlatformStyle::instantiate("other"); assert(platformStyle); } BitcoinApplication::~BitcoinApplication() { m_executor.reset(); delete window; window = nullptr; delete platformStyle; platformStyle = nullptr; } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET void BitcoinApplication::createPaymentServer() { paymentServer = new PaymentServer(this); } #endif void BitcoinApplication::createOptionsModel(bool resetSettings) { optionsModel = new OptionsModel(this, resetSettings); } void BitcoinApplication::createWindow(const NetworkStyle *networkStyle) { window = new BitcoinGUI(node(), platformStyle, networkStyle, nullptr); pollShutdownTimer = new QTimer(window); connect(pollShutdownTimer, &QTimer::timeout, window, &BitcoinGUI::detectShutdown); } void BitcoinApplication::createSplashScreen(const NetworkStyle *networkStyle) { assert(!m_splash); m_splash = new SplashScreen(networkStyle); // We don't hold a direct pointer to the splash screen after creation, but the splash // screen will take care of deleting itself when finish() happens. m_splash->show(); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedInitialize, m_splash, &SplashScreen::handleLoadWallet); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::splashFinished, m_splash, &SplashScreen::finish); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedShutdown, m_splash, &QWidget::close); } void BitcoinApplication::createNode(interfaces::Init& init) { assert(!m_node); m_node = init.makeNode(); if (optionsModel) optionsModel->setNode(*m_node); if (m_splash) m_splash->setNode(*m_node); } bool BitcoinApplication::baseInitialize() { return node().baseInitialize(); } void BitcoinApplication::startThread() { assert(!m_executor); m_executor.emplace(node()); /* communication to and from thread */ connect(&m_executor.value(), &InitExecutor::initializeResult, this, &BitcoinApplication::initializeResult); connect(&m_executor.value(), &InitExecutor::shutdownResult, this, &BitcoinApplication::shutdownResult); connect(&m_executor.value(), &InitExecutor::runawayException, this, &BitcoinApplication::handleRunawayException); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedInitialize, &m_executor.value(), &InitExecutor::initialize); connect(this, &BitcoinApplication::requestedShutdown, &m_executor.value(), &InitExecutor::shutdown); } void BitcoinApplication::parameterSetup() { // Default printtoconsole to false for the GUI. GUI programs should not // print to the console unnecessarily. gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-printtoconsole", false); InitLogging(gArgs); InitParameterInteraction(gArgs); } void BitcoinApplication::InitPruneSetting(int64_t prune_MiB) { optionsModel->SetPruneTargetGB(PruneMiBtoGB(prune_MiB), true); } void BitcoinApplication::requestInitialize() { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Requesting initialize"; startThread(); Q_EMIT requestedInitialize(); } void BitcoinApplication::requestShutdown() { // Show a simple window indicating shutdown status // Do this first as some of the steps may take some time below, // for example the RPC console may still be executing a command. shutdownWindow.reset(ShutdownWindow::showShutdownWindow(window)); qDebug() << __func__ << ": Requesting shutdown"; window->hide(); // Must disconnect node signals otherwise current thread can deadlock since // no event loop is running. window->unsubscribeFromCoreSignals(); // Request node shutdown, which can interrupt long operations, like // rescanning a wallet. node().startShutdown(); // Unsetting the client model can cause the current thread to wait for node // to complete an operation, like wait for a RPC execution to complete. window->setClientModel(nullptr); pollShutdownTimer->stop(); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Delete wallet controller here manually, instead of relying on Qt object // tracking (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/objecttrees.html). This makes sure // walletmodel m_handle_* notification handlers are deleted before wallets // are unloaded, which can simplify wallet implementations. It also avoids // these notifications having to be handled while GUI objects are being // destroyed, making GUI code less fragile as well. delete m_wallet_controller; m_wallet_controller = nullptr; #endif // ENABLE_WALLET delete clientModel; clientModel = nullptr; // Request shutdown from core thread Q_EMIT requestedShutdown(); } void BitcoinApplication::initializeResult(bool success, interfaces::BlockAndHeaderTipInfo tip_info) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": Initialization result: " << success; // Set exit result. returnValue = success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; if(success) { // Log this only after AppInitMain finishes, as then logging setup is guaranteed complete qInfo() << "Platform customization:" << platformStyle->getName(); clientModel = new ClientModel(node(), optionsModel); window->setClientModel(clientModel, &tip_info); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET if (WalletModel::isWalletEnabled()) { m_wallet_controller = new WalletController(*clientModel, platformStyle, this); window->setWalletController(m_wallet_controller); if (paymentServer) { paymentServer->setOptionsModel(optionsModel); } } #endif // ENABLE_WALLET // If -min option passed, start window minimized (iconified) or minimized to tray if (!gArgs.GetBoolArg("-min", false)) { window->show(); } else if (clientModel->getOptionsModel()->getMinimizeToTray() && window->hasTrayIcon()) { // do nothing as the window is managed by the tray icon } else { window->showMinimized(); } Q_EMIT splashFinished(); Q_EMIT windowShown(window); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Now that initialization/startup is done, process any command-line // bitcoin: URIs or payment requests: if (paymentServer) { connect(paymentServer, &PaymentServer::receivedPaymentRequest, window, &BitcoinGUI::handlePaymentRequest); connect(window, &BitcoinGUI::receivedURI, paymentServer, &PaymentServer::handleURIOrFile); connect(paymentServer, &PaymentServer::message, [this](const QString& title, const QString& message, unsigned int style) { window->message(title, message, style); }); QTimer::singleShot(100, paymentServer, &PaymentServer::uiReady); } #endif pollShutdownTimer->start(200); } else { Q_EMIT splashFinished(); // Make sure splash screen doesn't stick around during shutdown quit(); // Exit first main loop invocation } } void BitcoinApplication::shutdownResult() { quit(); // Exit second main loop invocation after shutdown finished } void BitcoinApplication::handleRunawayException(const QString &message) { QMessageBox::critical( nullptr, tr("Runaway exception"), tr("A fatal error occurred. %1 can no longer continue safely and will quit.").arg(PACKAGE_NAME) + QLatin1String("

") + GUIUtil::MakeHtmlLink(message, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)); ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void BitcoinApplication::handleNonFatalException(const QString& message) { assert(QThread::currentThread() == thread()); QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr("Internal error"), tr("An internal error occurred. %1 will attempt to continue safely. This is " "an unexpected bug which can be reported as described below.").arg(PACKAGE_NAME) + QLatin1String("

") + GUIUtil::MakeHtmlLink(message, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)); } WId BitcoinApplication::getMainWinId() const { if (!window) return 0; return window->winId(); } static void SetupUIArgs(ArgsManager& argsman) { argsman.AddArg("-choosedatadir", strprintf("Choose data directory on startup (default: %u)", DEFAULT_CHOOSE_DATADIR), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::GUI); argsman.AddArg("-lang=", "Set language, for example \"de_DE\" (default: system locale)", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::GUI); argsman.AddArg("-min", "Start minimized", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::GUI); argsman.AddArg("-resetguisettings", "Reset all settings changed in the GUI", ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::GUI); argsman.AddArg("-splash", strprintf("Show splash screen on startup (default: %u)", DEFAULT_SPLASHSCREEN), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY, OptionsCategory::GUI); argsman.AddArg("-uiplatform", strprintf("Select platform to customize UI for (one of windows, macosx, other; default: %s)", BitcoinGUI::DEFAULT_UIPLATFORM), ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY | ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY, OptionsCategory::GUI); } int GuiMain(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef WIN32 util::WinCmdLineArgs winArgs; std::tie(argc, argv) = winArgs.get(); #endif NodeContext node_context; int unused_exit_status; std::unique_ptr init = interfaces::MakeNodeInit(node_context, argc, argv, unused_exit_status); SetupEnvironment(); util::ThreadSetInternalName("main"); // Subscribe to global signals from core boost::signals2::scoped_connection handler_message_box = ::uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox_connect(noui_ThreadSafeMessageBox); boost::signals2::scoped_connection handler_question = ::uiInterface.ThreadSafeQuestion_connect(noui_ThreadSafeQuestion); boost::signals2::scoped_connection handler_init_message = ::uiInterface.InitMessage_connect(noui_InitMessage); // Do not refer to data directory yet, this can be overridden by Intro::pickDataDirectory /// 1. Basic Qt initialization (not dependent on parameters or configuration) Q_INIT_RESOURCE(bitcoin); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(bitcoin_locale); // Generate high-dpi pixmaps QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); #if defined(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_ANDROID) QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar); QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings); QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontUseNativeDialogs); #endif BitcoinApplication app; QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/monospace"); /// 2. Parse command-line options. We do this after qt in order to show an error if there are problems parsing these // Command-line options take precedence: SetupServerArgs(gArgs); SetupUIArgs(gArgs); std::string error; if (!gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv, error)) { InitError(strprintf(Untranslated("Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n"), error)); // Create a message box, because the gui has neither been created nor has subscribed to core signals QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, PACKAGE_NAME, // message can not be translated because translations have not been initialized QString::fromStdString("Error parsing command line arguments: %1.").arg(QString::fromStdString(error))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Now that the QApplication is setup and we have parsed our parameters, we can set the platform style app.setupPlatformStyle(); /// 3. Application identification // must be set before OptionsModel is initialized or translations are loaded, // as it is used to locate QSettings QApplication::setOrganizationName(QAPP_ORG_NAME); QApplication::setOrganizationDomain(QAPP_ORG_DOMAIN); QApplication::setApplicationName(QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT); /// 4. Initialization of translations, so that intro dialog is in user's language // Now that QSettings are accessible, initialize translations QTranslator qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator; initTranslations(qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator); // Show help message immediately after parsing command-line options (for "-lang") and setting locale, // but before showing splash screen. if (HelpRequested(gArgs) || gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { HelpMessageDialog help(nullptr, gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")); help.showOrPrint(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Install global event filter that makes sure that long tooltips can be word-wrapped app.installEventFilter(new GUIUtil::ToolTipToRichTextFilter(TOOLTIP_WRAP_THRESHOLD, &app)); /// 5. Now that settings and translations are available, ask user for data directory // User language is set up: pick a data directory bool did_show_intro = false; int64_t prune_MiB = 0; // Intro dialog prune configuration // Gracefully exit if the user cancels if (!Intro::showIfNeeded(did_show_intro, prune_MiB)) return EXIT_SUCCESS; /// 6. Determine availability of data directory and parse bitcoin.conf /// - Do not call gArgs.GetDataDirNet() before this step finishes if (!CheckDataDirOption()) { InitError(strprintf(Untranslated("Specified data directory \"%s\" does not exist.\n"), gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", ""))); QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, PACKAGE_NAME, QObject::tr("Error: Specified data directory \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(QString::fromStdString(gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", "")))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!gArgs.ReadConfigFiles(error, true)) { InitError(strprintf(Untranslated("Error reading configuration file: %s\n"), error)); QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, PACKAGE_NAME, QObject::tr("Error: Cannot parse configuration file: %1.").arg(QString::fromStdString(error))); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /// 7. Determine network (and switch to network specific options) // - Do not call Params() before this step // - Do this after parsing the configuration file, as the network can be switched there // - QSettings() will use the new application name after this, resulting in network-specific settings // - Needs to be done before createOptionsModel // Check for chain settings (Params() calls are only valid after this clause) try { SelectParams(gArgs.GetChainName()); } catch(std::exception &e) { InitError(Untranslated(strprintf("%s\n", e.what()))); QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, PACKAGE_NAME, QObject::tr("Error: %1").arg(e.what())); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET // Parse URIs on command line -- this can affect Params() PaymentServer::ipcParseCommandLine(argc, argv); #endif if (!InitSettings()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } QScopedPointer networkStyle(NetworkStyle::instantiate(Params().NetworkIDString())); assert(!networkStyle.isNull()); // Allow for separate UI settings for testnets QApplication::setApplicationName(networkStyle->getAppName()); // Re-initialize translations after changing application name (language in network-specific settings can be different) initTranslations(qtTranslatorBase, qtTranslator, translatorBase, translator); #ifdef ENABLE_WALLET /// 8. URI IPC sending // - Do this early as we don't want to bother initializing if we are just calling IPC // - Do this *after* setting up the data directory, as the data directory hash is used in the name // of the server. // - Do this after creating app and setting up translations, so errors are // translated properly. if (PaymentServer::ipcSendCommandLine()) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // Start up the payment server early, too, so impatient users that click on // bitcoin: links repeatedly have their payment requests routed to this process: if (WalletModel::isWalletEnabled()) { app.createPaymentServer(); } #endif // ENABLE_WALLET /// 9. Main GUI initialization // Install global event filter that makes sure that out-of-focus labels do not contain text cursor. app.installEventFilter(new GUIUtil::LabelOutOfFocusEventFilter(&app)); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // Install global event filter for processing Windows session related Windows messages (WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION) qApp->installNativeEventFilter(new WinShutdownMonitor()); #endif // Install qDebug() message handler to route to debug.log qInstallMessageHandler(DebugMessageHandler); // Allow parameter interaction before we create the options model app.parameterSetup(); GUIUtil::LogQtInfo(); // Load GUI settings from QSettings app.createOptionsModel(gArgs.GetBoolArg("-resetguisettings", false)); if (did_show_intro) { // Store intro dialog settings other than datadir (network specific) app.InitPruneSetting(prune_MiB); } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-splash", DEFAULT_SPLASHSCREEN) && !gArgs.GetBoolArg("-min", false)) app.createSplashScreen(networkStyle.data()); app.createNode(*init); int rv = EXIT_SUCCESS; try { app.createWindow(networkStyle.data()); // Perform base initialization before spinning up initialization/shutdown thread // This is acceptable because this function only contains steps that are quick to execute, // so the GUI thread won't be held up. if (app.baseInitialize()) { app.requestInitialize(); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) WinShutdownMonitor::registerShutdownBlockReason(QObject::tr("%1 didn't yet exit safely…").arg(PACKAGE_NAME), (HWND)app.getMainWinId()); #endif app.exec(); app.requestShutdown(); app.exec(); rv = app.getReturnValue(); } else { // A dialog with detailed error will have been shown by InitError() rv = EXIT_FAILURE; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "Runaway exception"); app.handleRunawayException(QString::fromStdString(app.node().getWarnings().translated)); } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "Runaway exception"); app.handleRunawayException(QString::fromStdString(app.node().getWarnings().translated)); } return rv; }