// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "addresstablemodel.h" #include "guiutil.h" #include "walletmodel.h" #include "base58.h" #include "wallet/wallet.h" #include #include const QString AddressTableModel::Send = "S"; const QString AddressTableModel::Receive = "R"; struct AddressTableEntry { enum Type { Sending, Receiving, Hidden /* QSortFilterProxyModel will filter these out */ }; Type type; QString label; QString address; AddressTableEntry() {} AddressTableEntry(Type type, const QString &label, const QString &address): type(type), label(label), address(address) {} }; struct AddressTableEntryLessThan { bool operator()(const AddressTableEntry &a, const AddressTableEntry &b) const { return a.address < b.address; } bool operator()(const AddressTableEntry &a, const QString &b) const { return a.address < b; } bool operator()(const QString &a, const AddressTableEntry &b) const { return a < b.address; } }; /* Determine address type from address purpose */ static AddressTableEntry::Type translateTransactionType(const QString &strPurpose, bool isMine) { AddressTableEntry::Type addressType = AddressTableEntry::Hidden; // "refund" addresses aren't shown, and change addresses aren't in mapAddressBook at all. if (strPurpose == "send") addressType = AddressTableEntry::Sending; else if (strPurpose == "receive") addressType = AddressTableEntry::Receiving; else if (strPurpose == "unknown" || strPurpose == "") // if purpose not set, guess addressType = (isMine ? AddressTableEntry::Receiving : AddressTableEntry::Sending); return addressType; } // Private implementation class AddressTablePriv { public: CWallet *wallet; QList cachedAddressTable; AddressTableModel *parent; AddressTablePriv(CWallet *wallet, AddressTableModel *parent): wallet(wallet), parent(parent) {} void refreshAddressTable() { cachedAddressTable.clear(); { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, CAddressBookData)& item, wallet->mapAddressBook) { const CBitcoinAddress& address = item.first; bool fMine = IsMine(*wallet, address.Get()); AddressTableEntry::Type addressType = translateTransactionType( QString::fromStdString(item.second.purpose), fMine); const std::string& strName = item.second.name; cachedAddressTable.append(AddressTableEntry(addressType, QString::fromStdString(strName), QString::fromStdString(address.ToString()))); } } // qLowerBound() and qUpperBound() require our cachedAddressTable list to be sorted in asc order // Even though the map is already sorted this re-sorting step is needed because the originating map // is sorted by binary address, not by base58() address. qSort(cachedAddressTable.begin(), cachedAddressTable.end(), AddressTableEntryLessThan()); } void updateEntry(const QString &address, const QString &label, bool isMine, const QString &purpose, int status) { // Find address / label in model QList::iterator lower = qLowerBound( cachedAddressTable.begin(), cachedAddressTable.end(), address, AddressTableEntryLessThan()); QList::iterator upper = qUpperBound( cachedAddressTable.begin(), cachedAddressTable.end(), address, AddressTableEntryLessThan()); int lowerIndex = (lower - cachedAddressTable.begin()); int upperIndex = (upper - cachedAddressTable.begin()); bool inModel = (lower != upper); AddressTableEntry::Type newEntryType = translateTransactionType(purpose, isMine); switch(status) { case CT_NEW: if(inModel) { qWarning() << "AddressTablePriv::updateEntry: Warning: Got CT_NEW, but entry is already in model"; break; } parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex); cachedAddressTable.insert(lowerIndex, AddressTableEntry(newEntryType, label, address)); parent->endInsertRows(); break; case CT_UPDATED: if(!inModel) { qWarning() << "AddressTablePriv::updateEntry: Warning: Got CT_UPDATED, but entry is not in model"; break; } lower->type = newEntryType; lower->label = label; parent->emitDataChanged(lowerIndex); break; case CT_DELETED: if(!inModel) { qWarning() << "AddressTablePriv::updateEntry: Warning: Got CT_DELETED, but entry is not in model"; break; } parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1); cachedAddressTable.erase(lower, upper); parent->endRemoveRows(); break; } } int size() { return cachedAddressTable.size(); } AddressTableEntry *index(int idx) { if(idx >= 0 && idx < cachedAddressTable.size()) { return &cachedAddressTable[idx]; } else { return 0; } } }; AddressTableModel::AddressTableModel(CWallet *wallet, WalletModel *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent),walletModel(parent),wallet(wallet),priv(0) { columns << tr("Label") << tr("Address"); priv = new AddressTablePriv(wallet, this); priv->refreshAddressTable(); } AddressTableModel::~AddressTableModel() { delete priv; } int AddressTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return priv->size(); } int AddressTableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return columns.length(); } QVariant AddressTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if(!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); AddressTableEntry *rec = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if(role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { switch(index.column()) { case Label: if(rec->label.isEmpty() && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return tr("(no label)"); } else { return rec->label; } case Address: return rec->address; } } else if (role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont font; if(index.column() == Address) { font = GUIUtil::bitcoinAddressFont(); } return font; } else if (role == TypeRole) { switch(rec->type) { case AddressTableEntry::Sending: return Send; case AddressTableEntry::Receiving: return Receive; default: break; } } return QVariant(); } bool AddressTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if(!index.isValid()) return false; AddressTableEntry *rec = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); std::string strPurpose = (rec->type == AddressTableEntry::Sending ? "send" : "receive"); editStatus = OK; if(role == Qt::EditRole) { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); /* For SetAddressBook / DelAddressBook */ CTxDestination curAddress = CBitcoinAddress(rec->address.toStdString()).Get(); if(index.column() == Label) { // Do nothing, if old label == new label if(rec->label == value.toString()) { editStatus = NO_CHANGES; return false; } wallet->SetAddressBook(curAddress, value.toString().toStdString(), strPurpose); } else if(index.column() == Address) { CTxDestination newAddress = CBitcoinAddress(value.toString().toStdString()).Get(); // Refuse to set invalid address, set error status and return false if(boost::get(&newAddress)) { editStatus = INVALID_ADDRESS; return false; } // Do nothing, if old address == new address else if(newAddress == curAddress) { editStatus = NO_CHANGES; return false; } // Check for duplicate addresses to prevent accidental deletion of addresses, if you try // to paste an existing address over another address (with a different label) else if(wallet->mapAddressBook.count(newAddress)) { editStatus = DUPLICATE_ADDRESS; return false; } // Double-check that we're not overwriting a receiving address else if(rec->type == AddressTableEntry::Sending) { // Remove old entry wallet->DelAddressBook(curAddress); // Add new entry with new address wallet->SetAddressBook(newAddress, rec->label.toStdString(), strPurpose); } } return true; } return false; } QVariant AddressTableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { if(role == Qt::DisplayRole && section < columns.size()) { return columns[section]; } } return QVariant(); } Qt::ItemFlags AddressTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if(!index.isValid()) return 0; AddressTableEntry *rec = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); Qt::ItemFlags retval = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; // Can edit address and label for sending addresses, // and only label for receiving addresses. if(rec->type == AddressTableEntry::Sending || (rec->type == AddressTableEntry::Receiving && index.column()==Label)) { retval |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; } return retval; } QModelIndex AddressTableModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); AddressTableEntry *data = priv->index(row); if(data) { return createIndex(row, column, priv->index(row)); } else { return QModelIndex(); } } void AddressTableModel::updateEntry(const QString &address, const QString &label, bool isMine, const QString &purpose, int status) { // Update address book model from Bitcoin core priv->updateEntry(address, label, isMine, purpose, status); } QString AddressTableModel::addRow(const QString &type, const QString &label, const QString &address) { std::string strLabel = label.toStdString(); std::string strAddress = address.toStdString(); editStatus = OK; if(type == Send) { if(!walletModel->validateAddress(address)) { editStatus = INVALID_ADDRESS; return QString(); } // Check for duplicate addresses { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); if(wallet->mapAddressBook.count(CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get())) { editStatus = DUPLICATE_ADDRESS; return QString(); } } } else if(type == Receive) { // Generate a new address to associate with given label CPubKey newKey; if(!wallet->GetKeyFromPool(newKey)) { WalletModel::UnlockContext ctx(walletModel->requestUnlock()); if(!ctx.isValid()) { // Unlock wallet failed or was cancelled editStatus = WALLET_UNLOCK_FAILURE; return QString(); } if(!wallet->GetKeyFromPool(newKey)) { editStatus = KEY_GENERATION_FAILURE; return QString(); } } strAddress = CBitcoinAddress(newKey.GetID()).ToString(); } else { return QString(); } // Add entry { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); wallet->SetAddressBook(CBitcoinAddress(strAddress).Get(), strLabel, (type == Send ? "send" : "receive")); } return QString::fromStdString(strAddress); } bool AddressTableModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); AddressTableEntry *rec = priv->index(row); if(count != 1 || !rec || rec->type == AddressTableEntry::Receiving) { // Can only remove one row at a time, and cannot remove rows not in model. // Also refuse to remove receiving addresses. return false; } { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); wallet->DelAddressBook(CBitcoinAddress(rec->address.toStdString()).Get()); } return true; } /* Look up label for address in address book, if not found return empty string. */ QString AddressTableModel::labelForAddress(const QString &address) const { { LOCK(wallet->cs_wallet); CBitcoinAddress address_parsed(address.toStdString()); std::map::iterator mi = wallet->mapAddressBook.find(address_parsed.Get()); if (mi != wallet->mapAddressBook.end()) { return QString::fromStdString(mi->second.name); } } return QString(); } int AddressTableModel::lookupAddress(const QString &address) const { QModelIndexList lst = match(index(0, Address, QModelIndex()), Qt::EditRole, address, 1, Qt::MatchExactly); if(lst.isEmpty()) { return -1; } else { return lst.at(0).row(); } } void AddressTableModel::emitDataChanged(int idx) { emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0, QModelIndex()), index(idx, columns.length()-1, QModelIndex())); }