This directory contains the source code for the Bitcoin Core graphical user interface (GUI). It uses the [Qt]( cross-platform framework. The current precise version for Qt 5 is specified in [](/depends/packages/ ## Compile and run See build instructions: [Unix](/doc/, [macOS](/doc/, [Windows](/doc/, [FreeBSD](/doc/, [NetBSD](/doc/, [OpenBSD](/doc/ When following your systems build instructions, make sure to install the `Qt` dependencies. To run: ```sh ./src/qt/bitcoin-qt ``` ## Files and Directories #### forms/ - A directory that contains [Designer UI]( files. These files specify the characteristics of form elements in XML. Qt UI files can be edited with [Qt Creator](#using-qt-creator-as-ide) or using any text editor. #### locale/ - Contains translations. They are periodically updated and an effort is made to support as many languages as possible. The process of contributing translations is described in [doc/](/doc/ #### res/ - Contains graphical resources used to enhance the UI experience. #### test/ - Functional tests used to ensure proper functionality of the GUI. Significant changes to the GUI code normally require new or updated tests. #### bitcoingui.(h/cpp) - Represents the main window of the Bitcoin UI. #### \*model.(h/cpp) - The model. When it has a corresponding controller, it generally inherits from [QAbstractTableModel]( Models that are used by controllers as helpers inherit from other Qt classes like [QValidator]( - ClientModel is used by the main application `bitcoingui` and several models like `peertablemodel`. #### \*page.(h/cpp) - A controller. `:NAMEpage.cpp` generally includes `:NAMEmodel.h` and `forms/` with a similar `:NAME`. #### \*dialog.(h/cpp) - Various dialogs, e.g. to open a URL. Inherit from [QDialog]( #### paymentserver.(h/cpp) - (Deprecated) Used to process BIP21 payment URI requests. Also handles URI-based application switching (e.g. when following a bitcoin:... link from a browser). #### walletview.(h/cpp) - Represents the view to a single wallet. #### Other .h/cpp files * UI elements like BitcoinAmountField, which inherit from QWidget. * `bitcoinstrings.cpp`: automatically generated * `bitcoinunits.(h/cpp)`: BTC / mBTC / etc. handling * `callback.h` * `guiconstants.h`: UI colors, app name, etc. * `guiutil.h`: several helper functions * `macdockiconhandler.(h/mm)`: macOS dock icon handler * `macnotificationhandler.(h/mm)`: display notifications in macOS ## Contribute See [](/ for general guidelines. **Note:** Do not change `local/bitcoin_en.ts`. It is updated [automatically](/doc/ ## Using Qt Creator as an IDE [Qt Creator]( is a powerful tool which packages a UI designer tool (Qt Designer) and a C++ IDE into one application. This is especially useful if you want to change the UI layout. #### Download Qt Creator On Unix and macOS, Qt Creator can be installed through your package manager. Alternatively, you can download a binary from the [Qt Website]( **Note:** If installing from a binary grabbed from the Qt Website: During the installation process, uncheck everything except for `Qt Creator`. ##### macOS ```sh brew install qt-creator ``` ##### Ubuntu & Debian ```sh sudo apt-get install qtcreator ``` #### Setup Qt Creator 1. Make sure you've installed all dependencies specified in your systems build instructions 2. Follow the compile instructions for your system, run `./configure` with the `--enable-debug` flag 3. Start Qt Creator. At the start page, do: `New` -> `Import Project` -> `Import Existing Project` 4. Enter `bitcoin-qt` as the Project Name and enter the absolute path to `src/qt` as Location 5. Check over the file selection, you may need to select the `forms` directory (necessary if you intend to edit *.ui files) 6. Confirm the `Summary` page 7. In the `Projects` tab, select `Manage Kits...` **macOS** - Under `Kits`: select the default "Desktop" kit - Under `Compilers`: select `"Clang (x86 64bit in /usr/bin)"` - Under `Debuggers`: select `"LLDB"` as debugger (you might need to set the path to your LLDB installation) **Ubuntu & Debian** Note: Some of these options may already be set - Under `Kits`: select the default "Desktop" kit - Under `Compilers`: select `"GCC (x86 64bit in /usr/bin)"` - Under `Debuggers`: select `"GDB"` as debugger 8. While in the `Projects` tab, ensure that you have the `bitcoin-qt` executable specified under `Run` - If the executable is not specified: click `"Choose..."`, navigate to `src/qt`, and select `bitcoin-qt` 9. You're all set! Start developing, building, and debugging the Bitcoin Core GUI