// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

#include <protocol.h>

#include <common/system.h>

CMessageHeader::CMessageHeader(const MessageStartChars& pchMessageStartIn, const char* pszCommand, unsigned int nMessageSizeIn)
    : pchMessageStart{pchMessageStartIn}
    // Copy the command name
    size_t i = 0;
    for (; i < COMMAND_SIZE && pszCommand[i] != 0; ++i) pchCommand[i] = pszCommand[i];
    assert(pszCommand[i] == 0); // Assert that the command name passed in is not longer than COMMAND_SIZE

    nMessageSize = nMessageSizeIn;

std::string CMessageHeader::GetCommand() const
    return std::string(pchCommand, pchCommand + strnlen(pchCommand, COMMAND_SIZE));

bool CMessageHeader::IsCommandValid() const
    // Check the command string for errors
    for (const char* p1 = pchCommand; p1 < pchCommand + COMMAND_SIZE; ++p1) {
        if (*p1 == 0) {
            // Must be all zeros after the first zero
            for (; p1 < pchCommand + COMMAND_SIZE; ++p1) {
                if (*p1 != 0) {
                    return false;
        } else if (*p1 < ' ' || *p1 > 0x7E) {
            return false;

    return true;

    type = 0;

CInv::CInv(uint32_t typeIn, const uint256& hashIn) : type(typeIn), hash(hashIn) {}

bool operator<(const CInv& a, const CInv& b)
    return (a.type < b.type || (a.type == b.type && a.hash < b.hash));

std::string CInv::GetCommand() const
    std::string cmd;
    if (type & MSG_WITNESS_FLAG)
    int masked = type & MSG_TYPE_MASK;
    switch (masked)
    case MSG_TX:             return cmd.append(NetMsgType::TX);
    // WTX is not a message type, just an inv type
    case MSG_WTX:            return cmd.append("wtx");
    case MSG_BLOCK:          return cmd.append(NetMsgType::BLOCK);
    case MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK: return cmd.append(NetMsgType::MERKLEBLOCK);
    case MSG_CMPCT_BLOCK:    return cmd.append(NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK);
        throw std::out_of_range(strprintf("CInv::GetCommand(): type=%d unknown type", type));

std::string CInv::ToString() const
    try {
        return strprintf("%s %s", GetCommand(), hash.ToString());
    } catch(const std::out_of_range &) {
        return strprintf("0x%08x %s", type, hash.ToString());

 * Convert a service flag (NODE_*) to a human readable string.
 * It supports unknown service flags which will be returned as "UNKNOWN[...]".
 * @param[in] bit the service flag is calculated as (1 << bit)
static std::string serviceFlagToStr(size_t bit)
    const uint64_t service_flag = 1ULL << bit;
    switch ((ServiceFlags)service_flag) {
    case NODE_NONE: abort();  // impossible
    case NODE_NETWORK:         return "NETWORK";
    case NODE_BLOOM:           return "BLOOM";
    case NODE_WITNESS:         return "WITNESS";
    case NODE_P2P_V2:          return "P2P_V2";
    // Not using default, so we get warned when a case is missing

    return strprintf("UNKNOWN[2^%u]", bit);

std::vector<std::string> serviceFlagsToStr(uint64_t flags)
    std::vector<std::string> str_flags;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(flags) * 8; ++i) {
        if (flags & (1ULL << i)) {

    return str_flags;

GenTxid ToGenTxid(const CInv& inv)
    return inv.IsMsgWtx() ? GenTxid::Wtxid(inv.hash) : GenTxid::Txid(inv.hash);