// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors. #include #ifdef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(LEVELDB_PLATFORM_ANDROID) #include #endif #include "leveldb/env.h" #include "leveldb/slice.h" #ifdef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS #include "util/win_logger.h" #else #include "util/posix_logger.h" #endif #include "port/port.h" #include "util/logging.h" #ifdef __linux #include #include #endif #include // Boost includes - see WINDOWS file to see which modules to install #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace leveldb { namespace { // returns the ID of the current process static boost::uint32_t current_process_id(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 return static_cast(::GetCurrentProcessId()); #else return static_cast(::getpid()); #endif } // returns the ID of the current thread static boost::uint32_t current_thread_id(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 return static_cast(::GetCurrentThreadId()); #else #ifdef __linux return static_cast(::syscall(__NR_gettid)); #else // just return the pid return current_process_id(); #endif #endif } static char global_read_only_buf[0x8000]; class PosixSequentialFile: public SequentialFile { private: std::string filename_; FILE* file_; public: PosixSequentialFile(const std::string& fname, FILE* f) : filename_(fname), file_(f) { } virtual ~PosixSequentialFile() { fclose(file_); } virtual Status Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) { Status s; #if defined(BSD) || defined(__MINGW32__) // fread_unlocked doesn't exist on FreeBSD or MingW size_t r = fread(scratch, 1, n, file_); #else size_t r = fread_unlocked(scratch, 1, n, file_); #endif *result = Slice(scratch, r); if (r < n) { if (feof(file_)) { // We leave status as ok if we hit the end of the file } else { // A partial read with an error: return a non-ok status s = Status::IOError(filename_, strerror(errno)); } } return s; } virtual Status Skip(uint64_t n) { if (fseek(file_, n, SEEK_CUR)) { return Status::IOError(filename_, strerror(errno)); } return Status::OK(); } }; class PosixRandomAccessFile: public RandomAccessFile { private: std::string filename_; int fd_; mutable boost::mutex mu_; public: PosixRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname, int fd) : filename_(fname), fd_(fd) { } virtual ~PosixRandomAccessFile() { close(fd_); } virtual Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) const { Status s; #ifdef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS // no pread on Windows so we emulate it with a mutex boost::unique_lock lock(mu_); if (::_lseeki64(fd_, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1L) { return Status::IOError(filename_, strerror(errno)); } int r = ::_read(fd_, scratch, n); *result = Slice(scratch, (r < 0) ? 0 : r); lock.unlock(); #else ssize_t r = pread(fd_, scratch, n, static_cast(offset)); *result = Slice(scratch, (r < 0) ? 0 : r); #endif if (r < 0) { // An error: return a non-ok status s = Status::IOError(filename_, strerror(errno)); } return s; } }; // We preallocate up to an extra megabyte and use memcpy to append new // data to the file. This is safe since we either properly close the // file before reading from it, or for log files, the reading code // knows enough to skip zero suffixes. class BoostFile : public WritableFile { public: explicit BoostFile(std::string path) : path_(path), written_(0) { Open(); } virtual ~BoostFile() { Close(); } private: void Open() { // we truncate the file as implemented in env_posix file_.open(path_.generic_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); written_ = 0; } public: virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) { Status result; file_.write(data.data(), data.size()); if (!file_.good()) { result = Status::IOError( path_.generic_string() + " Append", "cannot write"); } return result; } virtual Status Close() { Status result; try { if (file_.is_open()) { Sync(); file_.close(); } } catch (const std::exception & e) { result = Status::IOError(path_.generic_string() + " close", e.what()); } return result; } virtual Status Flush() { file_.flush(); return Status::OK(); } virtual Status Sync() { Status result; try { Flush(); } catch (const std::exception & e) { result = Status::IOError(path_.string() + " sync", e.what()); } return result; } private: boost::filesystem::path path_; boost::uint64_t written_; std::ofstream file_; }; class BoostFileLock : public FileLock { public: boost::interprocess::file_lock fl_; }; class PosixEnv : public Env { public: PosixEnv(); virtual ~PosixEnv() { fprintf(stderr, "Destroying Env::Default()\n"); exit(1); } virtual Status NewSequentialFile(const std::string& fname, SequentialFile** result) { FILE* f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if (f == NULL) { *result = NULL; return Status::IOError(fname, strerror(errno)); } else { *result = new PosixSequentialFile(fname, f); return Status::OK(); } } virtual Status NewRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname, RandomAccessFile** result) { #ifdef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS int fd = _open(fname.c_str(), _O_RDONLY | _O_RANDOM | _O_BINARY); #else int fd = open(fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY); #endif if (fd < 0) { *result = NULL; return Status::IOError(fname, strerror(errno)); } *result = new PosixRandomAccessFile(fname, fd); return Status::OK(); } virtual Status NewWritableFile(const std::string& fname, WritableFile** result) { Status s; try { // will create a new empty file to write to *result = new BoostFile(fname); } catch (const std::exception & e) { s = Status::IOError(fname, e.what()); } return s; } virtual bool FileExists(const std::string& fname) { return boost::filesystem::exists(fname); } virtual Status GetChildren(const std::string& dir, std::vector* result) { result->clear(); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::directory_iterator current(dir, ec); if (ec != 0) { return Status::IOError(dir, ec.message()); } boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; for(; current != end; ++current) { result->push_back(current->path().filename().generic_string()); } return Status::OK(); } virtual Status DeleteFile(const std::string& fname) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::remove(fname, ec); Status result; if (ec != 0) { result = Status::IOError(fname, ec.message()); } return result; } virtual Status CreateDir(const std::string& name) { Status result; if (boost::filesystem::exists(name) && boost::filesystem::is_directory(name)) { return result; } boost::system::error_code ec; if (!boost::filesystem::create_directories(name, ec)) { result = Status::IOError(name, ec.message()); } return result; }; virtual Status DeleteDir(const std::string& name) { Status result; boost::system::error_code ec; if (!boost::filesystem::remove_all(name, ec)) { result = Status::IOError(name, ec.message()); } return result; }; virtual Status GetFileSize(const std::string& fname, uint64_t* size) { boost::system::error_code ec; Status result; *size = static_cast(boost::filesystem::file_size(fname, ec)); if (ec != 0) { *size = 0; result = Status::IOError(fname, ec.message()); } return result; } virtual Status RenameFile(const std::string& src, const std::string& target) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::rename(src, target, ec); Status result; if (ec != 0) { result = Status::IOError(src, ec.message()); } return result; } virtual Status LockFile(const std::string& fname, FileLock** lock) { *lock = NULL; Status result; try { if (!boost::filesystem::exists(fname)) { std::ofstream of(fname.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::out); } assert(boost::filesystem::exists(fname)); boost::interprocess::file_lock fl(fname.c_str()); BoostFileLock * my_lock = new BoostFileLock(); fl.swap(my_lock->fl_); if (!my_lock->fl_.try_lock()) { return Status::IOError("database already in use: could not acquire exclusive lock"); } *lock = my_lock; } catch (const std::exception & e) { result = Status::IOError("lock " + fname, e.what()); } return result; } virtual Status UnlockFile(FileLock* lock) { Status result; try { BoostFileLock * my_lock = static_cast(lock); my_lock->fl_.unlock(); delete my_lock; } catch (const std::exception & e) { result = Status::IOError("unlock", e.what()); } return result; } virtual void Schedule(void (*function)(void*), void* arg); virtual void StartThread(void (*function)(void* arg), void* arg); virtual Status GetTestDirectory(std::string* result) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::path temp_dir = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path(ec); if (ec != 0) { temp_dir = "tmp"; } temp_dir /= "leveldb_tests"; temp_dir /= boost::lexical_cast(current_process_id()); // Directory may already exist CreateDir(temp_dir.generic_string()); *result = temp_dir.generic_string(); return Status::OK(); } #ifndef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS static uint64_t gettid() { pthread_t tid = pthread_self(); uint64_t thread_id = 0; memcpy(&thread_id, &tid, std::min(sizeof(thread_id), sizeof(tid))); return thread_id; } #endif virtual Status NewLogger(const std::string& fname, Logger** result) { FILE* f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wt"); if (f == NULL) { *result = NULL; return Status::IOError(fname, strerror(errno)); } else { #ifdef LEVELDB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS *result = new WinLogger(f); #else *result = new PosixLogger(f, &PosixEnv::gettid); #endif return Status::OK(); } } virtual uint64_t NowMicros() { return static_cast( boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() .time_of_day().total_microseconds()); } virtual void SleepForMicroseconds(int micros) { boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::microseconds(micros)); } private: void PthreadCall(const char* label, int result) { if (result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread %s: %s\n", label, strerror(result)); exit(1); } } // BGThread() is the body of the background thread void BGThread(); static void* BGThreadWrapper(void* arg) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->BGThread(); return NULL; } boost::mutex mu_; boost::condition_variable bgsignal_; boost::scoped_ptr bgthread_; // Entry per Schedule() call struct BGItem { void* arg; void (*function)(void*); }; typedef std::deque BGQueue; BGQueue queue_; }; PosixEnv::PosixEnv() { } void PosixEnv::Schedule(void (*function)(void*), void* arg) { boost::unique_lock lock(mu_); // Start background thread if necessary if (!bgthread_) { bgthread_.reset( new boost::thread(boost::bind(&PosixEnv::BGThreadWrapper, this))); } // Add to priority queue queue_.push_back(BGItem()); queue_.back().function = function; queue_.back().arg = arg; lock.unlock(); bgsignal_.notify_one(); } void PosixEnv::BGThread() { while (true) { // Wait until there is an item that is ready to run boost::unique_lock lock(mu_); while (queue_.empty()) { bgsignal_.wait(lock); } void (*function)(void*) = queue_.front().function; void* arg = queue_.front().arg; queue_.pop_front(); lock.unlock(); (*function)(arg); } } namespace { struct StartThreadState { void (*user_function)(void*); void* arg; }; } static void* StartThreadWrapper(void* arg) { StartThreadState* state = reinterpret_cast(arg); state->user_function(state->arg); delete state; return NULL; } void PosixEnv::StartThread(void (*function)(void* arg), void* arg) { StartThreadState* state = new StartThreadState; state->user_function = function; state->arg = arg; boost::thread t(boost::bind(&StartThreadWrapper, state)); } } static boost::once_flag once = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; static Env* default_env; static void InitDefaultEnv() { ::memset(global_read_only_buf, 0, sizeof(global_read_only_buf)); default_env = new PosixEnv; } Env* Env::Default() { boost::call_once(once, InitDefaultEnv); return default_env; } }