// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.


#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>

static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_THREADS=4;
static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_WORKQUEUE=16;
static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT=30;

struct evhttp_request;
struct event_base;
class CService;
class HTTPRequest;

/** Initialize HTTP server.
 * Call this before RegisterHTTPHandler or EventBase().
bool InitHTTPServer();
/** Start HTTP server.
 * This is separate from InitHTTPServer to give users race-condition-free time
 * to register their handlers between InitHTTPServer and StartHTTPServer.
bool StartHTTPServer();
/** Interrupt HTTP server threads */
void InterruptHTTPServer();
/** Stop HTTP server */
void StopHTTPServer();

/** Change logging level for libevent. Removes BCLog::LIBEVENT from logCategories if
 * libevent doesn't support debug logging.*/
bool UpdateHTTPServerLogging(bool enable);

/** Handler for requests to a certain HTTP path */
typedef std::function<bool(HTTPRequest* req, const std::string &)> HTTPRequestHandler;
/** Register handler for prefix.
 * If multiple handlers match a prefix, the first-registered one will
 * be invoked.
void RegisterHTTPHandler(const std::string &prefix, bool exactMatch, const HTTPRequestHandler &handler);
/** Unregister handler for prefix */
void UnregisterHTTPHandler(const std::string &prefix, bool exactMatch);

/** Return evhttp event base. This can be used by submodules to
 * queue timers or custom events.
struct event_base* EventBase();

/** In-flight HTTP request.
 * Thin C++ wrapper around evhttp_request.
class HTTPRequest
    struct evhttp_request* req;
    bool replySent;

    explicit HTTPRequest(struct evhttp_request* req);

    enum RequestMethod {

    /** Get requested URI.
    std::string GetURI();

    /** Get CService (address:ip) for the origin of the http request.
    CService GetPeer();

    /** Get request method.
    RequestMethod GetRequestMethod();

     * Get the request header specified by hdr, or an empty string.
     * Return a pair (isPresent,string).
    std::pair<bool, std::string> GetHeader(const std::string& hdr);

     * Read request body.
     * @note As this consumes the underlying buffer, call this only once.
     * Repeated calls will return an empty string.
    std::string ReadBody();

     * Write output header.
     * @note call this before calling WriteErrorReply or Reply.
    void WriteHeader(const std::string& hdr, const std::string& value);

     * Write HTTP reply.
     * nStatus is the HTTP status code to send.
     * strReply is the body of the reply. Keep it empty to send a standard message.
     * @note Can be called only once. As this will give the request back to the
     * main thread, do not call any other HTTPRequest methods after calling this.
    void WriteReply(int nStatus, const std::string& strReply = "");

/** Event handler closure.
class HTTPClosure
    virtual void operator()() = 0;
    virtual ~HTTPClosure() {}

/** Event class. This can be used either as a cross-thread trigger or as a timer.
class HTTPEvent
    /** Create a new event.
     * deleteWhenTriggered deletes this event object after the event is triggered (and the handler called)
     * handler is the handler to call when the event is triggered.
    HTTPEvent(struct event_base* base, bool deleteWhenTriggered, const std::function<void(void)>& handler);

    /** Trigger the event. If tv is 0, trigger it immediately. Otherwise trigger it after
     * the given time has elapsed.
    void trigger(struct timeval* tv);

    bool deleteWhenTriggered;
    std::function<void(void)> handler;
    struct event* ev;

std::string urlDecode(const std::string &urlEncoded);