How to generate the update_spinner.mng You will need ImageMagick in your path (the 'convert' executable at least) Go here: Select the base image you want to use. Image type: APNG Transparent background: Yes Foreground color: F2A555 (or select a color) Animation speed: (default value) Preloader size: 16 x 16 (no Advanced Options changed) Additional download options: Check Download as sprites Press Download now Rename the file to base.png convert -dispose 3 -delay 10 base.png -crop 16x16 +repage update_spinner.mng If you want to use the (gives worse results): In change Preloader size: 128 x 128 Press Download now Rename the file to base.png convert base.png -crop 128x128+0+0 reload_scaled.png and use the . Note that the results aren't very good.