SYSTEMD SUPPORT IN BITCOIN ========================== Packagers can find a .service file in this repo in order to integrate bitcoin's daemon into systemd based distributions. bitcoind.service file is located in contrib/systemd/ folder. 1. Users --------------------------------- This .service file assumes bitcoind user and group exist in the system, so packager should make sure they are created on installation. 2. Files --------------------------------- The .service file assumes several paths that might need to be adjusted according to packager's needs. Daemon's config file is assumed to be located at /etc/bitcoind.conf (you can use contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf as an example). Once installed, users must edit the file in order to update at least these two values: rpcuser and rpcpassword . Failing to do so will make the daemon fail to boot. However, the message written to /var/lib/bitcoind/debug.log file is very helpful and no default values should be set: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD Error: To use the "-server" option, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file: /etc/bitcoind.conf It is recommended you use the following random password: rpcuser=bitcoinrpc rpcpassword=HdYZ5HGtAF7mx8aTw6uCATtD2maMAK4E12Ysp4YNZQcX (you do not need to remember this password) The username and password MUST NOT be the same. If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems; for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Bitcoin Alert" Daemon's data and pid files will be stored in /var/lib/bitcoind directory, so it should be created on installation and make bitcoind user/group it's owner. 3. Installing .service file --------------------------------- Installing this .service file consists on just copying it to /usr/lib/systemd/system directory, followed by the command "systemctl daemon-reload" in order to update running systemd configuration.