# Seeds Utility to generate the seeds.txt list that is compiled into the client (see [src/chainparamsseeds.h](/src/chainparamsseeds.h) and other utilities in [contrib/seeds](/contrib/seeds)). Be sure to update `PATTERN_AGENT` in `makeseeds.py` to include the current version, and remove old versions as necessary (at a minimum when GetDesirableServiceFlags changes its default return value, as those are the services which seeds are added to addrman with). The seeds compiled into the release are created from sipa's DNS seed data, like this: curl https://bitcoin.sipa.be/seeds.txt.gz | gzip -dc > seeds_main.txt python3 makeseeds.py < seeds_main.txt > nodes_main.txt cat nodes_main_manual.txt >> nodes_main.txt python3 generate-seeds.py . > ../../src/chainparamsseeds.h ## Dependencies Ubuntu, Debian: sudo apt-get install python3-dnspython and/or for other operating systems: pip install dnspython See https://dnspython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html for more information.