#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2011  Patrick "p2k" Schneider <me@p2k-network.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys, re, os, platform, shutil, stat, subprocess, os.path
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, run
from typing import Optional

# This is ported from the original macdeployqt with modifications

class FrameworkInfo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.frameworkDirectory = ""
        self.frameworkName = ""
        self.frameworkPath = ""
        self.binaryDirectory = ""
        self.binaryName = ""
        self.binaryPath = ""
        self.version = ""
        self.installName = ""
        self.deployedInstallName = ""
        self.sourceFilePath = ""
        self.destinationDirectory = ""
        self.sourceResourcesDirectory = ""
        self.sourceVersionContentsDirectory = ""
        self.sourceContentsDirectory = ""
        self.destinationResourcesDirectory = ""
        self.destinationVersionContentsDirectory = ""
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.__class__ == other.__class__:
            return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
            return False
    def __str__(self):
        return f""" Framework name: {self.frameworkName}
 Framework directory: {self.frameworkDirectory}
 Framework path: {self.frameworkPath}
 Binary name: {self.binaryName}
 Binary directory: {self.binaryDirectory}
 Binary path: {self.binaryPath}
 Version: {self.version}
 Install name: {self.installName}
 Deployed install name: {self.deployedInstallName}
 Source file Path: {self.sourceFilePath}
 Deployed Directory (relative to bundle): {self.destinationDirectory}
    def isDylib(self):
        return self.frameworkName.endswith(".dylib")
    def isQtFramework(self):
        if self.isDylib():
            return self.frameworkName.startswith("libQt")
            return self.frameworkName.startswith("Qt")
    reOLine = re.compile(r'^(.+) \(compatibility version [0-9.]+, current version [0-9.]+\)$')
    bundleFrameworkDirectory = "Contents/Frameworks"
    bundleBinaryDirectory = "Contents/MacOS"
    def fromLibraryLine(cls, line: str) -> Optional['FrameworkInfo']:
        # Note: line must be trimmed
        if line == "":
            return None
        # Don't deploy system libraries
        if line.startswith("/System/Library/") or line.startswith("@executable_path") or line.startswith("/usr/lib/"):
            return None
        m = cls.reOLine.match(line)
        if m is None:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Line could not be parsed: {line}")
        path = m.group(1)
        info = cls()
        info.sourceFilePath = path
        info.installName = path
        if path.endswith(".dylib"):
            dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
            info.frameworkName = filename
            info.frameworkDirectory = dirname
            info.frameworkPath = path
            info.binaryDirectory = dirname
            info.binaryName = filename
            info.binaryPath = path
            info.version = "-"
            info.installName = path
            info.deployedInstallName = f"@executable_path/../Frameworks/{info.binaryName}"
            info.sourceFilePath = path
            info.destinationDirectory = cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory
            parts = path.split("/")
            i = 0
            # Search for the .framework directory
            for part in parts:
                if part.endswith(".framework"):
                i += 1
            if i == len(parts):
                raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find .framework or .dylib in line: {line}")
            info.frameworkName = parts[i]
            info.frameworkDirectory = "/".join(parts[:i])
            info.frameworkPath = os.path.join(info.frameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName)
            info.binaryName = parts[i+3]
            info.binaryDirectory = "/".join(parts[i+1:i+3])
            info.binaryPath = os.path.join(info.binaryDirectory, info.binaryName)
            info.version = parts[i+2]
            info.deployedInstallName = f"@executable_path/../Frameworks/{os.path.join(info.frameworkName, info.binaryPath)}"
            info.destinationDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, info.binaryDirectory)
            info.sourceResourcesDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Resources")
            info.sourceContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Contents")
            info.sourceVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(info.frameworkPath, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
            info.destinationResourcesDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Resources")
            info.destinationVersionContentsDirectory = os.path.join(cls.bundleFrameworkDirectory, info.frameworkName, "Versions", info.version, "Contents")
        return info

class ApplicationBundleInfo(object):
    def __init__(self, path: str):
        self.path = path
        # for backwards compatibility reasons, this must remain as Bitcoin-Qt
        self.binaryPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "MacOS", "Bitcoin-Qt")
        if not os.path.exists(self.binaryPath):
            raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find bundle binary for {path}")
        self.resourcesPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "Resources")
        self.pluginPath = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "PlugIns")

class DeploymentInfo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.qtPath = None
        self.pluginPath = None
        self.deployedFrameworks = []
    def detectQtPath(self, frameworkDirectory: str):
        parentDir = os.path.dirname(frameworkDirectory)
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parentDir, "translations")):
            # Classic layout, e.g. "/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.x.x"
            self.qtPath = parentDir
            self.qtPath = os.getenv("QTDIR", None)

        if self.qtPath is not None:
            pluginPath = os.path.join(self.qtPath, "plugins")
            if os.path.exists(pluginPath):
                self.pluginPath = pluginPath
    def usesFramework(self, name: str) -> bool:
        for framework in self.deployedFrameworks:
            if framework.endswith(".framework"):
                if framework.startswith(f"{name}."):
                    return True
            elif framework.endswith(".dylib"):
                if framework.startswith(f"lib{name}."):
                    return True
        return False

def getFrameworks(binaryPath: str, verbose: int) -> list[FrameworkInfo]:
    objdump = os.getenv("OBJDUMP", "objdump")
    if verbose:
        print(f"Inspecting with {objdump}: {binaryPath}")
    output = run([objdump, "--macho", "--dylibs-used", binaryPath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, text=True)
    if output.returncode != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(f"{objdump} failed with return code {output.returncode}")

    lines = output.stdout.split("\n")
    lines.pop(0) # First line is the inspected binary
    if ".framework" in binaryPath or binaryPath.endswith(".dylib"):
        lines.pop(0) # Frameworks and dylibs list themselves as a dependency.
    libraries = []
    for line in lines:
        line = line.replace("@loader_path", os.path.dirname(binaryPath))
        info = FrameworkInfo.fromLibraryLine(line.strip())
        if info is not None:
            if verbose:
                print("Found framework:")
    return libraries

def runInstallNameTool(action: str, *args):
    installnametoolbin=os.getenv("INSTALL_NAME_TOOL", "install_name_tool")
    run([installnametoolbin, "-"+action] + list(args), check=True)

def changeInstallName(oldName: str, newName: str, binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
    if verbose:
        print("Using install_name_tool:")
        print(" in", binaryPath)
        print(" change reference", oldName)
        print(" to", newName)
    runInstallNameTool("change", oldName, newName, binaryPath)

def changeIdentification(id: str, binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
    if verbose:
        print("Using install_name_tool:")
        print(" change identification in", binaryPath)
        print(" to", id)
    runInstallNameTool("id", id, binaryPath)

def runStrip(binaryPath: str, verbose: int):
    stripbin=os.getenv("STRIP", "strip")
    if verbose:
        print("Using strip:")
        print(" stripped", binaryPath)
    run([stripbin, "-x", binaryPath], check=True)

def copyFramework(framework: FrameworkInfo, path: str, verbose: int) -> Optional[str]:
    if framework.sourceFilePath.startswith("Qt"):
        #standard place for Nokia Qt installer's frameworks
        fromPath = f"/Library/Frameworks/{framework.sourceFilePath}"
        fromPath = framework.sourceFilePath
    toDir = os.path.join(path, framework.destinationDirectory)
    toPath = os.path.join(toDir, framework.binaryName)

    if framework.isDylib():
        if not os.path.exists(fromPath):
            raise RuntimeError(f"No file at {fromPath}")

        if os.path.exists(toPath):
            return None # Already there

        if not os.path.exists(toDir):

        shutil.copy2(fromPath, toPath)
        if verbose:
            print("Copied:", fromPath)
            print(" to:", toPath)
        to_dir = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "Frameworks", framework.frameworkName)
        if os.path.exists(to_dir):
            return None # Already there

        from_dir = framework.frameworkPath
        if not os.path.exists(from_dir):
            raise RuntimeError(f"No directory at {from_dir}")

        shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir, symlinks=True)
        if verbose:
            print("Copied:", from_dir)
            print(" to:", to_dir)

        headers_link = os.path.join(to_dir, "Headers")
        if os.path.exists(headers_link):

        headers_dir = os.path.join(to_dir, framework.binaryDirectory, "Headers")
        if os.path.exists(headers_dir):

    permissions = os.stat(toPath)
    if not permissions.st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE:
      os.chmod(toPath, permissions.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)

    return toPath

def deployFrameworks(frameworks: list[FrameworkInfo], bundlePath: str, binaryPath: str, strip: bool, verbose: int, deploymentInfo: Optional[DeploymentInfo] = None) -> DeploymentInfo:
    if deploymentInfo is None:
        deploymentInfo = DeploymentInfo()
    while len(frameworks) > 0:
        framework = frameworks.pop(0)
        print("Processing", framework.frameworkName, "...")
        # Get the Qt path from one of the Qt frameworks
        if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None and framework.isQtFramework():
        if framework.installName.startswith("@executable_path") or framework.installName.startswith(bundlePath):
            print(framework.frameworkName, "already deployed, skipping.")
        # install_name_tool the new id into the binary
        changeInstallName(framework.installName, framework.deployedInstallName, binaryPath, verbose)
        # Copy framework to app bundle.
        deployedBinaryPath = copyFramework(framework, bundlePath, verbose)
        # Skip the rest if already was deployed.
        if deployedBinaryPath is None:
        if strip:
            runStrip(deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
        # install_name_tool it a new id.
        changeIdentification(framework.deployedInstallName, deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
        # Check for framework dependencies
        dependencies = getFrameworks(deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
        for dependency in dependencies:
            changeInstallName(dependency.installName, dependency.deployedInstallName, deployedBinaryPath, verbose)
            # Deploy framework if necessary.
            if dependency.frameworkName not in deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks and dependency not in frameworks:
    return deploymentInfo

def deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle: ApplicationBundleInfo, strip: bool, verbose: int) -> DeploymentInfo:
    frameworks = getFrameworks(applicationBundle.binaryPath, verbose)
    if len(frameworks) == 0:
        print(f"Warning: Could not find any external frameworks to deploy in {applicationBundle.path}.")
        return DeploymentInfo()
        return deployFrameworks(frameworks, applicationBundle.path, applicationBundle.binaryPath, strip, verbose)

def deployPlugins(appBundleInfo: ApplicationBundleInfo, deploymentInfo: DeploymentInfo, strip: bool, verbose: int):
    plugins = []
    if deploymentInfo.pluginPath is None:
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(deploymentInfo.pluginPath):
        pluginDirectory = os.path.relpath(dirpath, deploymentInfo.pluginPath)

        if pluginDirectory not in ['styles', 'platforms']:

        for pluginName in filenames:
            pluginPath = os.path.join(pluginDirectory, pluginName)

            if pluginName.split('.')[0] not in ['libqminimal', 'libqcocoa', 'libqmacstyle']:

            plugins.append((pluginDirectory, pluginName))
    for pluginDirectory, pluginName in plugins:
        print("Processing plugin", os.path.join(pluginDirectory, pluginName), "...")
        sourcePath = os.path.join(deploymentInfo.pluginPath, pluginDirectory, pluginName)
        destinationDirectory = os.path.join(appBundleInfo.pluginPath, pluginDirectory)
        if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory):
        destinationPath = os.path.join(destinationDirectory, pluginName)
        shutil.copy2(sourcePath, destinationPath)
        if verbose:
            print("Copied:", sourcePath)
            print(" to:", destinationPath)
        if strip:
            runStrip(destinationPath, verbose)
        dependencies = getFrameworks(destinationPath, verbose)
        for dependency in dependencies:
            changeInstallName(dependency.installName, dependency.deployedInstallName, destinationPath, verbose)
            # Deploy framework if necessary.
            if dependency.frameworkName not in deploymentInfo.deployedFrameworks:
                deployFrameworks([dependency], appBundleInfo.path, destinationPath, strip, verbose, deploymentInfo)

ap = ArgumentParser(description="""Improved version of macdeployqt.

Outputs a ready-to-deploy app in a folder "dist" and optionally wraps it in a .zip file.
Note, that the "dist" folder will be deleted before deploying on each run.

Optionally, Qt translation files (.qm) can be added to the bundle.""")

ap.add_argument("app_bundle", nargs=1, metavar="app-bundle", help="application bundle to be deployed")
ap.add_argument("appname", nargs=1, metavar="appname", help="name of the app being deployed")
ap.add_argument("-verbose", nargs="?", const=True, help="Output additional debugging information")
ap.add_argument("-no-plugins", dest="plugins", action="store_false", default=True, help="skip plugin deployment")
ap.add_argument("-no-strip", dest="strip", action="store_false", default=True, help="don't run 'strip' on the binaries")
ap.add_argument("-translations-dir", nargs=1, metavar="path", default=None, help="Path to Qt's translations. Base translations will automatically be added to the bundle's resources.")
ap.add_argument("-zip", nargs="?", const="", metavar="zip", help="create a .zip containing the app bundle")

config = ap.parse_args()

verbose = config.verbose

# ------------------------------------------------

app_bundle = config.app_bundle[0]
appname = config.appname[0]

if not os.path.exists(app_bundle):
    sys.stderr.write(f"Error: Could not find app bundle \"{app_bundle}\"\n")

# ------------------------------------------------

if os.path.exists("dist"):
    print("+ Removing existing dist folder +")

if os.path.exists(appname + ".zip"):
    print("+ Removing existing .zip +")
    os.unlink(appname + ".zip")

# ------------------------------------------------

target = os.path.join("dist", "Bitcoin-Qt.app")

print("+ Copying source bundle +")
if verbose:
    print(app_bundle, "->", target)

shutil.copytree(app_bundle, target, symlinks=True)

applicationBundle = ApplicationBundleInfo(target)

# ------------------------------------------------

print("+ Deploying frameworks +")

    deploymentInfo = deployFrameworksForAppBundle(applicationBundle, config.strip, verbose)
    if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None:
        deploymentInfo.qtPath = os.getenv("QTDIR", None)
        if deploymentInfo.qtPath is None:
            sys.stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect Qt's path, skipping plugin deployment!\n")
            config.plugins = False
except RuntimeError as e:
    sys.stderr.write(f"Error: {str(e)}\n")

# ------------------------------------------------

if config.plugins:
    print("+ Deploying plugins +")
        deployPlugins(applicationBundle, deploymentInfo, config.strip, verbose)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        sys.stderr.write(f"Error: {str(e)}\n")

# ------------------------------------------------

if config.translations_dir:
    if not Path(config.translations_dir[0]).exists():
        sys.stderr.write(f"Error: Could not find translation dir \"{config.translations_dir[0]}\"\n")

print("+ Adding Qt translations +")

translations = Path(config.translations_dir[0])

regex = re.compile('qt_[a-z]*(.qm|_[A-Z]*.qm)')

lang_files = [x for x in translations.iterdir() if regex.match(x.name)]

for file in lang_files:
    if verbose:
        print(file.as_posix(), "->", os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, file.name))
    shutil.copy2(file.as_posix(), os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, file.name))

# ------------------------------------------------

print("+ Installing qt.conf +")


with open(os.path.join(applicationBundle.resourcesPath, "qt.conf"), "wb") as f:

# ------------------------------------------------

if platform.system() == "Darwin":
    subprocess.check_call(f"codesign --deep --force --sign - {target}", shell=True)

# ------------------------------------------------

if config.zip is not None:
    shutil.make_archive('{}'.format(appname), format='zip', root_dir='dist', base_dir='Bitcoin-Qt.app')

# ------------------------------------------------

print("+ Done +")
