{2B4ABFF8-D1FD-4845-88C9-1F3C0A6512BF} StaticLibrary _AMD64_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) _AMD64_;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) $(QtIncludes);$(GeneratedFilesOutDir)\..;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt moc code include generation task. There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt moc header generation task. There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt forms header generation task. There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt translation file generation task. There was an error executing the libbitcoin_qt resource code generation task. moccode; mocheader; forms; translation; resource; $(BuildDependsOn); qtclean; $(CleanDependsOn);