### Global defaults env: PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL: "apt-get update && apt-get install -y" MAKEJOBS: "-j4" TEST_RUNNER_PORT_MIN: "14000" # Must be larger than 12321, which is used for the http cache. See https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#http-cache CCACHE_SIZE: "200M" CCACHE_DIR: "/tmp/ccache_dir" CCACHE_NOHASHDIR: "1" # Debug info might contain a stale path if the build dir changes, but this is fine cirrus_ephemeral_worker_template_env: &CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV DANGER_RUN_CI_ON_HOST: "1" # Containers will be discarded after the run, so there is no risk that the ci scripts modify the system persistent_worker_template_env: &PERSISTENT_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV RESTART_CI_DOCKER_BEFORE_RUN: "1" persistent_worker_template: &PERSISTENT_WORKER_TEMPLATE persistent_worker: {} # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/persistent-workers/ # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/tips-and-tricks/#sharing-configuration-between-tasks filter_template: &FILTER_TEMPLATE skip: $CIRRUS_REPO_FULL_NAME == "bitcoin-core/gui" && $CIRRUS_PR == "" # No need to run on the read-only mirror, unless it is a PR. https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#conditional-task-execution stateful: false # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#stateful-tasks base_template: &BASE_TEMPLATE << : *FILTER_TEMPLATE merge_base_script: # Unconditionally install git (used in fingerprint_script) and set the # default git author name (used in verify-commits.py) - bash -c "$PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL git" - git config --global user.email "ci@ci.ci" - git config --global user.name "ci" - if [ "$CIRRUS_PR" = "" ]; then exit 0; fi - git fetch $CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_URL $CIRRUS_BASE_BRANCH - git merge FETCH_HEAD # Merge base to detect silent merge conflicts main_template: &MAIN_TEMPLATE timeout_in: 120m # https://cirrus-ci.org/faq/#instance-timed-out container: # https://cirrus-ci.org/faq/#are-there-any-limits # Each project has 16 CPU in total, assign 2 to each container, so that 8 tasks run in parallel cpu: 2 memory: 8G # Set to 8GB to avoid OOM. https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/linux/#linux-containers ccache_cache: folder: "/tmp/ccache_dir" depends_built_cache: folder: "depends/built" fingerprint_script: echo $CIRRUS_TASK_NAME $(git rev-list -1 HEAD ./depends) ci_script: - ./ci/test_run_all.sh global_task_template: &GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE << : *BASE_TEMPLATE << : *MAIN_TEMPLATE depends_sdk_cache_template: &DEPENDS_SDK_CACHE_TEMPLATE depends_sdk_cache: folder: "depends/sdk-sources" compute_credits_template: &CREDITS_TEMPLATE # https://cirrus-ci.org/pricing/#compute-credits # Only use credits for pull requests to the main repo use_compute_credits: $CIRRUS_REPO_FULL_NAME == 'bitcoin/bitcoin' && $CIRRUS_PR != "" task: name: 'lint [bionic]' << : *BASE_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:bionic # For python 3.6, oldest supported version according to doc/dependencies.md cpu: 1 memory: 1G # For faster CI feedback, immediately schedule the linters << : *CREDITS_TEMPLATE lint_script: - ./ci/lint_run_all.sh env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV task: name: "Win64 native [unit tests, no functional tests] [msvc]" << : *FILTER_TEMPLATE windows_container: cpu: 4 memory: 16G image: cirrusci/windowsservercore:visualstudio2019 timeout_in: 120m env: CIRRUS_SHELL: powershell PATH: 'C:\Python39;C:\Python39\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin;%PATH%' PYTHONUTF8: 1 VCPKG_TAG: '75522bb1f2e7d863078bcd06322348f053a9e33f' VCPKG_FEATURE_FLAGS: 'manifests' QT_DOWNLOAD_URL: 'https://github.com/sipsorcery/qt_win_binary/releases/download/qt51211x64_static_vs2019_160900/Qt5.12.11_x64_static_vs2019_160900.zip' QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH: 'b24436bbc49ac69d992efc148e640f02e8dec426bed5f8497abf735e7d7d59d0' QT_LOCAL_PATH: 'C:\Qt5.12.11_x64_static_vs2019_160900' IgnoreWarnIntDirInTempDetected: 'true' merge_script: - git config --global user.email "ci@ci.ci" - git config --global user.name "ci" - git config core.filemode false - git reset --hard - if ($env:CIRRUS_PR -eq $null) { exit 0; } - git fetch $env:CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_URL $env:CIRRUS_BASE_BRANCH - git merge FETCH_HEAD <# Merge base to detect silent merge conflicts #> vcpkg_cache: folder: 'C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives' install_python_script: - choco install --yes --no-progress python3 --version=3.9.6 - Write-Host "" - python -VV install_vcpkg_script: - cd .. - git clone --quiet https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git - cd vcpkg - git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout $env:VCPKG_TAG - .\bootstrap-vcpkg -disableMetrics - Add-Content "triplets\x64-windows-static.cmake" "set(VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release)" - .\vcpkg integrate install - Write-Host "" - .\vcpkg version download_qt_binaries_script: | Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_URL -Out qtdownload.zip; Write-Host "Qt binaries successfully downloaded, checking hash against $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH..."; if ((Get-FileHash qtdownload.zip).Hash -eq $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH) { Write-Host "Downloaded Qt binaries archive matched the expected hash."; Expand-Archive qtdownload.zip -DestinationPath $env:QT_LOCAL_PATH; } else { Write-Host "ERROR: Downloaded Qt binaries archive did not match the expected hash."; exit 1; } build_environment_script: - choco list --localonly - Write-Host "" - msbuild -version build_script: - cd $env:CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR - python build_msvc\msvc-autogen.py - msbuild build_msvc\bitcoin.sln -property:Configuration=Release -maxCpuCount -verbosity:minimal -noLogo unit_tests_script: - src\test_bitcoin.exe - src\bench_bitcoin.exe > $null - python test\util\test_runner.py - python test\util\rpcauth-test.py task: name: 'ARM [unit tests, no functional tests] [buster]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE arm_container: image: debian:buster cpu: 2 memory: 8G env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_arm.sh" QEMU_USER_CMD: "" # Disable qemu and run the test natively task: name: 'Win64 [unit tests, no gui tests, no boost::process, no functional tests] [focal]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_win64.sh" task: name: '32-bit + dash [gui] [CentOS 8]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: centos:8 env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL: "yum install -y" FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_i686_centos.sh" task: name: '[previous releases, uses qt5 dev package and some depends packages, DEBUG] [unsigned char] [bionic]' previous_releases_cache: folder: "releases" << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE << : *PERSISTENT_WORKER_TEMPLATE env: << : *PERSISTENT_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_qt5.sh" task: name: '[depends, sanitizers: thread (TSan), no gui] [hirsute]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:hirsute cpu: 6 # Increase CPU and Memory to avoid timeout memory: 24G env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV MAKEJOBS: "-j8" FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_tsan.sh" task: name: '[depends, sanitizers: memory (MSan)] [focal]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_msan.sh" task: name: '[no depends, sanitizers: address/leak (ASan + LSan) + undefined (UBSan) + integer] [hirsute]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:hirsute env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_asan.sh" task: name: '[no depends, sanitizers: fuzzer,address,undefined,integer] [focal]' only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH == $CIRRUS_DEFAULT_BRANCH || $CIRRUS_BASE_BRANCH == $CIRRUS_DEFAULT_BRANCH << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal cpu: 4 # Increase CPU and memory to avoid timeout memory: 16G env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV MAKEJOBS: "-j8" FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_fuzz.sh" task: name: '[multiprocess, DEBUG] [focal]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal cpu: 4 memory: 16G # The default memory is sometimes just a bit too small, so double everything env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV MAKEJOBS: "-j8" FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_multiprocess.sh" task: name: '[no wallet] [bionic]' << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:bionic env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_native_nowallet.sh" task: name: 'macOS 10.14 [gui, no tests] [focal]' << : *DEPENDS_SDK_CACHE_TEMPLATE << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_mac.sh" task: name: 'macOS 11 native [gui] [no depends]' brew_install_script: - brew install boost libevent berkeley-db4 qt@5 miniupnpc libnatpmp ccache zeromq qrencode sqlite libtool automake pkg-config gnu-getopt << : *GLOBAL_TASK_TEMPLATE osx_instance: # Use latest image, but hardcode version to avoid silent upgrades (and breaks) image: big-sur-xcode-12.5 # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/macOS env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV CI_USE_APT_INSTALL: "no" PACKAGE_MANAGER_INSTALL: "echo" # Nothing to do FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_mac_host.sh" task: name: 'ARM64 Android APK [focal]' << : *DEPENDS_SDK_CACHE_TEMPLATE << : *BASE_TEMPLATE depends_sources_cache: folder: "depends/sources" fingerprint_script: git rev-list -1 HEAD ./depends << : *MAIN_TEMPLATE container: image: ubuntu:focal env: << : *CIRRUS_EPHEMERAL_WORKER_TEMPLATE_ENV FILE_ENV: "./ci/test/00_setup_env_android.sh"