#!/usr/bin/env python3 # For running the test vectors, run this script: # ./reference.py send_and_receive_test_vectors.json import hashlib import json from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, cast from sys import argv, exit from functools import reduce from itertools import permutations # local files from bech32m import convertbits, bech32_encode, decode, Encoding from secp256k1 import ECKey, ECPubKey, TaggedHash, NUMS_H from bitcoin_utils import ( deser_txid, from_hex, hash160, is_p2pkh, is_p2sh, is_p2wpkh, is_p2tr, ser_uint32, COutPoint, CTxInWitness, VinInfo, ) def get_pubkey_from_input(vin: VinInfo) -> ECPubKey: if is_p2pkh(vin.prevout): # skip the first 3 op_codes and grab the 20 byte hash # from the scriptPubKey spk_hash = vin.prevout[3:3 + 20] for i in range(len(vin.scriptSig), 0, -1): if i - 33 >= 0: # starting from the back, we move over the scriptSig with a 33 byte # window (to match a compressed pubkey). we hash this and check if it matches # the 20 byte has from the scriptPubKey. for standard scriptSigs, this will match # right away because the pubkey is the last item in the scriptSig. # if its a non-standard (malleated) scriptSig, we will still find the pubkey if its # a compressed pubkey. # # note: this is an incredibly inefficient implementation, for demonstration purposes only. pubkey_bytes = vin.scriptSig[i - 33:i] pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey_bytes) if pubkey_hash == spk_hash: pubkey = ECPubKey().set(pubkey_bytes) if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed): return pubkey if is_p2sh(vin.prevout): redeem_script = vin.scriptSig[1:] if is_p2wpkh(redeem_script): pubkey = ECPubKey().set(vin.txinwitness.scriptWitness.stack[-1]) if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed): return pubkey if is_p2wpkh(vin.prevout): txin = vin.txinwitness pubkey = ECPubKey().set(txin.scriptWitness.stack[-1]) if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed): return pubkey if is_p2tr(vin.prevout): witnessStack = vin.txinwitness.scriptWitness.stack if (len(witnessStack) >= 1): if (len(witnessStack) > 1 and witnessStack[-1][0] == 0x50): # Last item is annex witnessStack.pop() if (len(witnessStack) > 1): # Script-path spend control_block = witnessStack[-1] # control block is <32 byte internal key> and 0 or more <32 byte hash> internal_key = control_block[1:33] if (internal_key == NUMS_H.to_bytes(32, 'big')): # Skip if NUMS_H return ECPubKey() pubkey = ECPubKey().set(vin.prevout[2:]) if (pubkey.valid) & (pubkey.compressed): return pubkey return ECPubKey() def get_input_hash(outpoints: List[COutPoint], sum_input_pubkeys: ECPubKey) -> bytes: lowest_outpoint = sorted(outpoints, key=lambda outpoint: outpoint.serialize())[0] return TaggedHash("BIP0352/Inputs", lowest_outpoint.serialize() + cast(bytes, sum_input_pubkeys.get_bytes(False))) def encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan: ECPubKey, B_m: ECPubKey, hrp: str = "tsp", version: int = 0) -> str: data = convertbits(cast(bytes, B_scan.get_bytes(False)) + cast(bytes, B_m.get_bytes(False)), 8, 5) return bech32_encode(hrp, [version] + cast(List[int], data), Encoding.BECH32M) def generate_label(b_scan: ECKey, m: int) -> bytes: return TaggedHash("BIP0352/Label", b_scan.get_bytes() + ser_uint32(m)) def create_labeled_silent_payment_address(b_scan: ECKey, B_spend: ECPubKey, m: int, hrp: str = "tsp", version: int = 0) -> str: G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey() B_scan = b_scan.get_pubkey() B_m = B_spend + generate_label(b_scan, m) * G labeled_address = encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan, B_m, hrp, version) return labeled_address def decode_silent_payment_address(address: str, hrp: str = "tsp") -> Tuple[ECPubKey, ECPubKey]: _, data = decode(hrp, address) if data is None: return ECPubKey(), ECPubKey() B_scan = ECPubKey().set(data[:33]) B_spend = ECPubKey().set(data[33:]) return B_scan, B_spend def create_outputs(input_priv_keys: List[Tuple[ECKey, bool]], outpoints: List[COutPoint], recipients: List[str], hrp="tsp") -> List[str]: G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey() negated_keys = [] for key, is_xonly in input_priv_keys: k = ECKey().set(key.get_bytes()) if is_xonly and k.get_pubkey().get_y() % 2 != 0: k.negate() negated_keys.append(k) a_sum = sum(negated_keys) if not a_sum.valid: # Input privkeys sum is zero -> fail return [] input_hash = get_input_hash(outpoints, a_sum * G) silent_payment_groups: Dict[ECPubKey, List[ECPubKey]] = {} for recipient in recipients: B_scan, B_m = decode_silent_payment_address(recipient, hrp=hrp) if B_scan in silent_payment_groups: silent_payment_groups[B_scan].append(B_m) else: silent_payment_groups[B_scan] = [B_m] outputs = [] for B_scan, B_m_values in silent_payment_groups.items(): ecdh_shared_secret = input_hash * a_sum * B_scan k = 0 for B_m in B_m_values: t_k = TaggedHash("BIP0352/SharedSecret", ecdh_shared_secret.get_bytes(False) + ser_uint32(k)) P_km = B_m + t_k * G outputs.append(P_km.get_bytes().hex()) k += 1 return list(set(outputs)) def scanning(b_scan: ECKey, B_spend: ECPubKey, A_sum: ECPubKey, input_hash: bytes, outputs_to_check: List[ECPubKey], labels: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey() ecdh_shared_secret = input_hash * b_scan * A_sum k = 0 wallet = [] while True: t_k = TaggedHash("BIP0352/SharedSecret", ecdh_shared_secret.get_bytes(False) + ser_uint32(k)) P_k = B_spend + t_k * G for output in outputs_to_check: if P_k == output: wallet.append({"pub_key": P_k.get_bytes().hex(), "priv_key_tweak": t_k.hex()}) outputs_to_check.remove(output) k += 1 break elif labels: m_G_sub = output - P_k if m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex() in labels: P_km = P_k + m_G_sub wallet.append({ "pub_key": P_km.get_bytes().hex(), "priv_key_tweak": (ECKey().set(t_k).add( bytes.fromhex(labels[m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex()]) )).get_bytes().hex(), }) outputs_to_check.remove(output) k += 1 break else: output.negate() m_G_sub = output - P_k if m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex() in labels: P_km = P_k + m_G_sub wallet.append({ "pub_key": P_km.get_bytes().hex(), "priv_key_tweak": (ECKey().set(t_k).add( bytes.fromhex(labels[m_G_sub.get_bytes(False).hex()]) )).get_bytes().hex(), }) outputs_to_check.remove(output) k += 1 break else: break return wallet if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) != 2 or argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): print("Usage: ./reference.py send_and_receive_test_vectors.json") exit(0) with open(argv[1], "r") as f: test_data = json.loads(f.read()) # G , needed for generating the labels "database" G = ECKey().set(1).get_pubkey() for case in test_data: print(case["comment"]) # Test sending for sending_test in case["sending"]: given = sending_test["given"] expected = sending_test["expected"] vins = [ VinInfo( outpoint=COutPoint(hash=deser_txid(input["txid"]), n=input["vout"]), scriptSig=bytes.fromhex(input["scriptSig"]), txinwitness=CTxInWitness().deserialize(from_hex(input["txinwitness"])), prevout=bytes.fromhex(input["prevout"]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]), private_key=ECKey().set(bytes.fromhex(input["private_key"])), ) for input in given["vin"] ] # Convert the tuples to lists so they can be easily compared to the json list of lists from the given test vectors input_priv_keys = [] input_pub_keys = [] for vin in vins: pubkey = get_pubkey_from_input(vin) if not pubkey.valid: continue input_priv_keys.append(( vin.private_key, is_p2tr(vin.prevout), )) input_pub_keys.append(pubkey) sending_outputs = [] if (len(input_pub_keys) > 0): outpoints = [vin.outpoint for vin in vins] sending_outputs = create_outputs(input_priv_keys, outpoints, given["recipients"], hrp="sp") # Note: order doesn't matter for creating/finding the outputs. However, different orderings of the recipient addresses # will produce different generated outputs if sending to multiple silent payment addresses belonging to the # same sender but with different labels. Because of this, expected["outputs"] contains all possible valid output sets, # based on all possible permutations of recipient address orderings. Must match exactly one of the possible output sets. assert(any(set(sending_outputs) == set(lst) for lst in expected["outputs"])), "Sending test failed" else: assert(sending_outputs == expected["outputs"][0] == []), "Sending test failed" # Test receiving msg = hashlib.sha256(b"message").digest() aux = hashlib.sha256(b"random auxiliary data").digest() for receiving_test in case["receiving"]: given = receiving_test["given"] expected = receiving_test["expected"] outputs_to_check = [ ECPubKey().set(bytes.fromhex(p)) for p in given["outputs"] ] vins = [ VinInfo( outpoint=COutPoint(hash=deser_txid(input["txid"]), n=input["vout"]), scriptSig=bytes.fromhex(input["scriptSig"]), txinwitness=CTxInWitness().deserialize(from_hex(input["txinwitness"])), prevout=bytes.fromhex(input["prevout"]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]), ) for input in given["vin"] ] # Check that the given inputs for the receiving test match what was generated during the sending test receiving_addresses = [] b_scan = ECKey().set(bytes.fromhex(given["key_material"]["scan_priv_key"])) b_spend = ECKey().set( bytes.fromhex(given["key_material"]["spend_priv_key"]) ) B_scan = b_scan.get_pubkey() B_spend = b_spend.get_pubkey() receiving_addresses.append( encode_silent_payment_address(B_scan, B_spend, hrp="sp") ) if given["labels"]: for label in given["labels"]: receiving_addresses.append( create_labeled_silent_payment_address( b_scan, B_spend, m=label, hrp="sp" ) ) # Check that the silent payment addresses match for the given BIP32 seed and labels dictionary assert (receiving_addresses == expected["addresses"]), "Receiving addresses don't match" input_pub_keys = [] for vin in vins: pubkey = get_pubkey_from_input(vin) if not pubkey.valid: continue input_pub_keys.append(pubkey) add_to_wallet = [] if (len(input_pub_keys) > 0): A_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, input_pub_keys) input_hash = get_input_hash([vin.outpoint for vin in vins], A_sum) pre_computed_labels = { (generate_label(b_scan, label) * G).get_bytes(False).hex(): generate_label(b_scan, label).hex() for label in given["labels"] } add_to_wallet = scanning( b_scan=b_scan, B_spend=B_spend, A_sum=A_sum, input_hash=input_hash, outputs_to_check=outputs_to_check, labels=pre_computed_labels, ) # Check that the private key is correct for the found output public key for output in add_to_wallet: pub_key = ECPubKey().set(bytes.fromhex(output["pub_key"])) full_private_key = b_spend.add(bytes.fromhex(output["priv_key_tweak"])) if full_private_key.get_pubkey().get_y() % 2 != 0: full_private_key.negate() sig = full_private_key.sign_schnorr(msg, aux) assert pub_key.verify_schnorr(sig, msg), f"Invalid signature for {pub_key}" output["signature"] = sig.hex() # Note: order doesn't matter for creating/finding the outputs. However, different orderings of the recipient addresses # will produce different generated outputs if sending to multiple silent payment addresses belonging to the # same sender but with different labels. Because of this, expected["outputs"] contains all possible valid output sets, # based on all possible permutations of recipient address orderings. Must match exactly one of the possible found output # sets in expected["outputs"] generated_set = {frozenset(d.items()) for d in add_to_wallet} expected_set = {frozenset(d.items()) for d in expected["outputs"]} assert generated_set == expected_set, "Receive test failed" print("All tests passed")