-- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide -- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide module Ssb.Peer.RPC where import Protolude import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad.Fail import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON , ToJSON ) import Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS ( toStrict ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Default import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft , mapRight ) import Data.Text as Text import Data.Serialize as Serialize import Ssb.Aux import qualified Ssb.Identity as Ssb import qualified Ssb.Peer.BoxStream as BoxStream data BodyType = Binary | UTF8String | JSON | UnknownBodyType deriving (Bounded,Eq,Show) instance Convertible Word8 BodyType where convert v = case v .&. 3 of 0 -> Binary 1 -> UTF8String 2 -> JSON v -> UnknownBodyType instance Convertible BodyType Word8 where convert Binary = 0 convert UTF8String = 1 convert JSON = 2 convert UnknownBodyType = 3 data Flags = Flags { unused1 :: Bool , unused2 :: Bool , unused3 :: Bool , unused4 :: Bool , isStream :: Bool , isEndOrError :: Bool , bodyType :: BodyType } deriving (Eq,Show) instance Convertible Flags Word8 where convert arg = set (unused1 arg) 7 $ set (unused2 arg) 6 $ set (unused3 arg) 5 $ set (unused4 arg) 4 $ set (isStream arg) 3 $ set (isEndOrError arg) 2 $ convert (bodyType arg) where set True pos arg = setBit arg pos set False _ arg = arg instance Convertible Word8 Flags where convert w = Flags { unused1 = testBit w 7 , unused2 = testBit w 6 , unused3 = testBit w 5 , unused4 = testBit w 4 , isStream = testBit w 3 , isEndOrError = testBit w 2 , bodyType = convert w } instance Default Flags where def = convert (zeroBits :: Word8) instance Serialize.Serialize Flags where get = convert <$> getWord8 put = putWord8 . convert -- | ProcedureType defines the type of remote call. data ProcedureType = Async | Source | Duplex deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show) instance FromJSON ProcedureType where parseJSON = withText "ProcedureType" $ \v -> case v of "async" -> return Async "source" -> return Source "duplex" -> return Duplex otherwise -> fail $ "unknown value '" <> toS v <> "'" instance ToJSON ProcedureType where toJSON Async = "async" toJSON Source = "source" toJSON Duplex = "duplex" -- | HeaderLength is the length of the RPC header in bytes headerLength :: Int headerLength = 9 -- | bodySizeLength is the length of the bodySize parameter in the RPC header. bodySizeLength :: Int bodySizeLength = 4 -- | requestNumberLength is the length of the requestNumberLength parameter in -- the RPC header. requestNumberLength :: Int requestNumberLength = 4 -- | Header is the first part of a RPC message used for stream control and communication. data Header = Header { flags :: Flags , bodyLength :: Word32 , requestNumber :: Int32 } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show) instance Serialize.Serialize Header -- | GoodByeHeader is the RPC message header signalling the end of the RPC -- stream. goodByeHeader :: Header goodByeHeader = Header (convert (zeroBits :: Word8)) 0 0 newHeader :: Flags -> Int32 -> ByteString -> Either Text Header newHeader flags reqNum body = do let bodyLength = fromIntegral $ BS.length body return Header { flags = flags , bodyLength = bodyLength , requestNumber = reqNum } -- | MessagePayload describes and contains the contents of an RPC message. data MessagePayload = BinaryPayload ByteString | TextPayload ByteString | JSONPayload ByteString deriving (Generic,Show) -- | Message is a single message in the RPC stream data Message = Message { header :: Header , body :: MessagePayload } deriving (Generic,Show) instance Serialize.Serialize Message where get = do header <- Serialize.get buf <- Serialize.getByteString (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header) let typ = bodyType . flags $ header payload <- case typ of Binary -> return $ BinaryPayload buf UTF8String -> return $ TextPayload buf JSON -> return $ JSONPayload buf UnknownBodyType -> fail "unknown body type" return $ Message header payload put msg = do Serialize.put (header msg) case body msg of BinaryPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf JSONPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf TextPayload buf -> Serialize.putByteString buf -- | newJSONMessage is a convenience function to create a RPC message with a -- JSON payload. newJSONMessage :: ToJSON a => Int32 -> a -> Either Text Message newJSONMessage reqNum payload = do let buf = BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode payload len <- maybeWord8 $ BS.length buf header' <- newHeader (def { bodyType = JSON }) reqNum buf return $ Message { header = header', body = JSONPayload buf } -- | newJSONMessage is a convenience function to decode a RPC JSON message. decodeJSONMessage :: FromJSON a => Message -> Either Text a decodeJSONMessage msg = case body msg of JSONPayload buf -> decodeJSON buf _ -> error "unexpected body type" isRequest :: Int32 -> Message -> Bool isRequest nextReqNum msg = do let reqNum = requestNumber . header $ msg nextReqNum == reqNum -- | Request is the message representing a RPC call. data Request a = Request { name :: [Text] , typ :: ProcedureType , args :: a } deriving (Show) instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Request a) where parseJSON = withObject "Request" $ \v -> Request <$> v .: "name" <*> v .:? "type" .!= Async <*> v .: "args" instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Request a) where toJSON arg = object ["name" .= name arg, "type" .= typ arg, "args" .= args arg] data Direction = Incoming | Outgoing deriving (Eq,Generic,Show) data StreamStatus = -- | Open the stream is active. Open -- | The (Async) stream is awaiting a response. | AwaitingResponse -- | The stream is closed and waiting for its peer to do the same. | AwaitingCloseRecv -- | The stream is closed. | Closed deriving (Eq,Show) data Stream = Stream { streamID :: Int32 , streamType :: ProcedureType , conn :: ConnState , direction :: Direction , status :: StreamStatus , peer :: Ssb.PublicKey } formatStream :: Stream -> Text formatStream stream = (show $ streamID stream :: Text) <> "\t" <> show (streamType stream) <> "\t" <> show (direction stream) <> "\t" <> show (status stream) foldStream :: (a -> MessagePayload -> IO (Either Text a)) -> a -> Stream -> IO (Either Text a) foldStream fn acc stream = do msg <- readStream stream case msg of (Just msg') -> do acc' <- fn acc msg' either (return . error) (\v -> foldStream fn v stream) acc' Nothing -> return . return $ acc foldJSONStream :: (FromJSON b) => (a -> b -> IO (Either Text a)) -> a -> Stream -> IO (Either Text a) foldJSONStream fn acc stream = do msg <- readStreamJSON stream case msg of (Right (Just msg')) -> do acc' <- fn acc msg' either (return . error) (\v -> foldJSONStream fn v stream) acc' (Right Nothing) -> return . return $ acc (Left err ) -> return $ error err data ConnState = ConnState { connPeer :: Ssb.PublicKey , boxConn :: BoxStream.Conn , streamsIn :: TMVar (Map Int32 (Stream, TChan (Maybe Message))) , streamsOut :: TMVar (Map Int32 (Stream, TChan (Maybe Message))) , nextIncomingReqNum :: TMVar Int32 , nextOutgoingReqNum :: TMVar Int32 , lock :: TMVar Bool } -- | Endpoint identifies which Remote Procedure Call to make. data Endpoint = Endpoint [Text] ProcedureType deriving (Eq, Ord) formatEndpoint :: Endpoint -> Text formatEndpoint (Endpoint paths typ) = Text.intercalate "." paths <> ":" <> show typ -- | HandlerFunc's are used to serve Remove Procedure Calls. type HandlerFunc = Aeson.Value -> Stream -> IO (Either Text ()) -- | notFoundHandlerFunc is tells the peer the Endpoint does not exist. notFoundHandlerFunc :: Endpoint -> HandlerFunc notFoundHandlerFunc endpoint _ _ = return (Left $ "endpoint not found '" <> endpoint' <> "'") where endpoint' = formatEndpoint endpoint -- | Handler can serve Remote Procedure Requests. class Handler h where endpoints :: h -> [Endpoint] -- | Serve calls an incoming Remote Procedure Call. serve :: h -> Endpoint -> HandlerFunc -- TODO: Maybe add 'conn' to notifyConnect -- | notifyConnect tells the handler when a peer has connected. notifyConnect :: h -> Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ()) -- | notifyDisconnect tells the handler when a peer has disconnected. notifyDisconnect :: h -> Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ()) -- | Router serves Remote Procedure Calls with a set of handlers. data Router = Router { endpointHandlers :: Map Endpoint HandlerFunc , connectCallbacks :: [Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ())] , disconnectCallbacks :: [Ssb.PublicKey -> IO (Either Text ())] } deriving (Generic) instance Default Router instance Handler Router where endpoints demuxer = Map.keys (endpointHandlers demuxer) serve demuxer endpoint = case Map.lookup endpoint endpointHandlers' of Nothing -> (notFoundHandlerFunc endpoint) Just handler -> handler where endpointHandlers' = endpointHandlers demuxer notifyConnect demuxer id = do errs <- fmap lefts . sequence $ (\f -> f id) <$> connectCallbacks demuxer if Protolude.null errs then return . return $ () else return $ Left $ Text.intercalate ", " errs notifyDisconnect demuxer id = do errs <- fmap lefts . sequence $ (\f -> f id) <$> connectCallbacks demuxer if Protolude.null errs then return . return $ () else return $ Left $ Text.intercalate ", " errs -- | with adds a handler to the Router. with :: Handler h => Router -> h -> Router with demuxer handler = Router { endpointHandlers = Map.union (endpointHandlers demuxer) $ Map.fromList ((\e -> (e, serve handler e)) <$> endpoints handler) , connectCallbacks = connectCallbacks demuxer <> [notifyConnect handler] , disconnectCallbacks = disconnectCallbacks demuxer <> [notifyDisconnect handler] } -- | withM is a convenience function for using 'with' in monads. withM :: (MonadIO m, Handler h) => m Router -> m h -> m Router withM demuxer handler = with <$> demuxer <*> handler logMsg :: ConnState -> Text -> IO () logMsg conn msg = do _ <- atomically $ takeTMVar (lock conn) putStrLn msg atomically $ putTMVar (lock conn) True logDebug :: ConnState -> Text -> IO () logDebug _ _ = return () -- logDebug = logMsg -- | spawnConnection handles safely forking and closing RPC connections. spawnConnection :: Stream -> IO (Either Text ()) -> IO () spawnConnection stream action = do forkFinally (do res <- action either (closeStreamWithError stream) (\_ -> closeStream stream) res ) (\_ -> void (closeStream stream)) return () -- | connect creates a Remote Procdure Call stream connection over the give Box -- Stream. connect :: Handler h => BoxStream.Conn -> h -> Ssb.PublicKey -> (ConnState -> IO ()) -> IO (Either Text ()) connect boxConn handler peer client = do streamsIn <- newTMVarIO Map.empty streamsOut <- newTMVarIO Map.empty nextIncomingReqNum <- newTMVarIO 1 nextOutgoingReqNum <- newTMVarIO 1 lock <- newTMVarIO True let conn = ConnState { connPeer = peer , boxConn = boxConn , streamsIn = streamsIn , streamsOut = streamsOut , nextIncomingReqNum = nextIncomingReqNum , nextOutgoingReqNum = nextOutgoingReqNum , lock = lock } forkIO $ -- make RPC calls on the peer client conn ret <- serviceLoop conn _ <- notifyDisconnect handler (connPeer conn) disconnect conn return ret where serviceLoop conn = do msg <- readMessage conn case msg of Left err -> return $ error ("connection error: " <> err) Right msg -> if header msg == goodByeHeader then return . return $ () else do ok <- handleMessage handler conn msg if ok then serviceLoop conn else return . return $ () -- TODO: Handle stream closing within demux loop -- The handleMessage loop is responsible for the lifetime of a stream -- connection. It detects and creates requests, it should therefor handle -- close requests. -- -- The stream type matters when closing a stream. Async do not require a -- specific close message. -- TODO: Handle closing of Async streams -- TODO: Properly handle Error message -- TODO: Refactor or reallocate helper functions -- These functions were added in a rush to get request handling working. A -- better place could probably be found for them to improve code clarity. -- | isEndOfStream checks whether the message is the last of the stream. isEndOfStream = isEndOrError . flags . header -- | checks if the message is a response to an Async request. isAsyncResponse = not . isStream . flags . header -- | streamTable gets which lookup table to use for connections for the given -- stream. There are seperate ones for incoming and outgoing RPC streams. streamTable stream = case direction stream of Incoming -> streamsIn (conn stream) Outgoing -> streamsOut (conn stream) streamStatus :: Stream -> STM StreamStatus streamStatus stream = do table <- readTMVar $ streamTable stream return $ fromMaybe Closed (status . fst <$> Map.lookup (streamID stream) table) -- | manageStreamConn manages stream connection changes when writing messages -- to a stream. -- TODO: beware of entering a deadlock in manageStreamConn -- TODO: request stuff should be moved here manageStreamConn :: Stream -> Message -> IO (Either Text ()) manageStreamConn stream msg = do table <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ streamTable stream res <- writeMessage (conn stream) msg let table' = if | isLeft res -> closeStream table stream | (not . isStream . flags . header $ msg) -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus AwaitingResponse) (streamID stream) table | -- TODO: confirm status of stream before closing it -- This happy path is not production ready (isEndOrError . flags . header $ msg) -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus AwaitingCloseRecv) (streamID stream) table | otherwise -> table when (isLeft res) $ do let (_, c) = fromMaybe undefined $ Map.lookup (streamID stream) table -- TODO: Find better way of closing channels on write error atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing) atomically $ putTMVar (streamTable stream) table' return res where updateStreamStatus status (s, c) = (s { status = status }, c) closeStream table tream = case direction stream of Incoming -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus Closed) (streamID stream) table Outgoing -> Map.delete (streamID stream) table -- TODO: Log important information for incoming messages handleMessage :: Handler h => h -> ConnState -> Message -> IO Bool handleMessage handler conn msg = do nextReqNum <- atomically $ readTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn) if | (header msg) == goodByeHeader -> return False | (isRequest nextReqNum msg) -> serveRequest handler conn msg | (isEndOfStream msg) -> internalCloseStream conn msg | (isAsyncResponse msg) -> do demux conn msg internalCloseStream conn msg | otherwise -> demux conn msg where internalCloseStream conn msg = do let flags = def { isStream = True, isEndOrError = True } let requestNumber' = (requestNumber . header $ msg) let mVarTable = if requestNumber' > 0 then streamsIn conn else streamsOut conn table <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVarTable let streamID' = abs requestNumber' let (stream, chan) = fromMaybe undefined $ Map.lookup streamID' table newStatus <- case status stream of Open -> do let msg = fromRight undefined $ newCloseNotification streamID' _ <- writeMessage conn msg return AwaitingCloseRecv AwaitingCloseRecv -> do atomically $ writeTChan chan Nothing return Closed AwaitingResponse -> do atomically $ writeTChan chan Nothing return Closed Closed -> do logMsg conn $ "received end of stream for already closed stream: " <> (show streamID' :: Text) return Closed atomically $ putTMVar mVarTable $ case direction stream of Incoming -> Map.adjust (updateStreamStatus newStatus) streamID' table -- TODO: properly handle close of outgoing Duplex streams Outgoing -> Map.delete streamID' table return True where updateStreamStatus status (s, c) = (s { status = status }, c) serveRequest handler conn msg = do let req = decodeJSONMessage msg case req of Left err -> do logMsg conn $ "could not decode request: " <> err return False Right req -> do let stream = Stream { streamID = requestNumber . header $ msg , streamType = typ req , conn = conn , direction = Incoming , status = Open , peer = connPeer conn } chan <- newTChanIO err <- atomically $ do reqNum <- takeTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn) table <- takeTMVar (streamsIn conn) if Map.size table == (maxBound :: Int) then return $ Left errTooManyRequests else do let (reqNum', table') = if streamID stream == reqNum then (reqNum + 1, (Map.insert reqNum (stream, chan) table)) else (reqNum, table) putTMVar (nextIncomingReqNum conn) reqNum' putTMVar (streamsIn conn) table' return . return $ () case err of Left err -> do putStrLn err return False Right _ -> do -- Serving a request call, how do we close it nicely? let endpoint = Endpoint (name req) (typ req) spawnConnection stream $ (serve handler) endpoint (args req) stream return True where errTooManyRequests = "connection limit reached, dropping request" :: Text demux conn msg = do let reqNum = requestNumber . header $ msg let table = if reqNum > 0 then streamsIn conn else streamsOut conn let streamID' = abs reqNum table' <- atomically $ readTMVar table case Map.lookup streamID' table' of Nothing -> do logDebug conn $ "message dropped due to missing stream: " <> (show msg :: Text) return () Just (_, chan) -> atomically $ writeTChan chan (Just msg) return True -- | disconnect is a hacked version, it rudely disconnects all connections in -- order to unlock streams stuck on their reading their channels. -- -- Look into closing streams elegantly. -- TODO: Ensure disconnect prevents new incoming and outgoing connections disconnect :: ConnState -> IO () disconnect conn = do table <- atomically $ takeTMVar (streamsIn conn) forM_ table $ \(_, c) -> atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing) let table' = Map.map (\(s, c) -> (s { status = Closed }, c)) table atomically $ putTMVar (streamsIn conn) table' table <- atomically $ takeTMVar (streamsOut conn) forM_ table $ \(_, c) -> atomically $ forM_ [1 .. 30] (\_ -> writeTChan c Nothing) let table' = Map.map (\(s, c) -> (s { status = Closed }, c)) table atomically $ putTMVar (streamsOut conn) table' _ <- writeMessage conn $ Message goodByeHeader (BinaryPayload "") return () -- | readBoxStream reads the given number of bytes from the Box Stream. readBoxStream :: BoxStream.Conn -> Int -> IO (Either Text ByteString) readBoxStream conn bytes = do mbuf <- BoxStream.readStream conn bytes let buf = join $ (maybeToRight errUnexpectedClose) <$> mbuf return buf where errUnexpectedClose = "rpc.readConn: unexpected end of box stream" -- | readMessage reads a single message from the RPC connection. readMessage :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text Message) readMessage conn = do headerBuf <- readBoxStream (boxConn conn) headerLength header <- (return $ headerBuf >>= decode) case header of Left err -> return $ Left $ "RPC.readMessage header: " <> err Right header -> do bodyBuf <- readBoxStream (boxConn conn) (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header) let ret = liftA2 (<>) headerBuf bodyBuf >>= decode logDebug conn $ "readMessage (" <> (Ssb.formatPublicKey $ connPeer conn) <> ")" <> (show ret) return $ ret where decode :: Serialize a => ByteString -> Either Text a decode = mapLeft toS . Serialize.decode writeMessage :: ConnState -> Message -> IO (Either Text ()) writeMessage conn msg = do logDebug conn $ "writeMessage (" <> (Ssb.formatPublicKey $ connPeer conn) <> ")" <> (show msg) BoxStream.sendStream (boxConn conn) $ Serialize.encode msg -- | request makes a Remote Procedure Call on the peer. request :: ToJSON a => ConnState -> Request a -> (Stream -> IO (Either Text b)) -> IO (Either Text b) request conn req session = do reqNum <- atomically $ takeTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn) let msg = newJSONMessage reqNum req case msg of Left err -> do atomically $ putTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn) reqNum return $ Left err Right msg -> do let nextReqNum = reqNum + 1 atomically $ putTMVar (nextOutgoingReqNum conn) nextReqNum -- TODO: Fix late night update let flags' = flags . header $ msg let msg' = msg { header = (header msg) { flags = flags' { isStream = typ req /= Async } } } let stream = Stream { streamID = reqNum , streamType = (typ req) , conn = conn , direction = Outgoing , status = Open , peer = connPeer conn } atomically $ do streams <- takeTMVar (streamsOut conn) chan <- newTChan putTMVar (streamsOut conn) $ Map.insert reqNum (stream, chan) streams _ <- writeMessage' stream msg' result <- session stream if streamType stream == Async then return . return $ () else either (closeStreamWithError stream) (\x -> closeStream stream) result return result where writeMessage' = manageStreamConn -- | requestAsync is the Async version of request. requestAsync :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON b) => ConnState -> Request a -> IO (Either Text b) requestAsync conn req = do resp <- request conn req readStreamJSON return $ resp >>= withErr "not response received" -- TODO: Use CloseNotification to signal close of stream. -- How is the JSON encoding done? data CloseNotification = CloseNotification () newCloseNotification :: Int32 -> Either Text Message newCloseNotification streamID = do let payload = JSONPayload "true" let requestNumer = -1 * streamID header <- newHeader (def { isEndOrError = True, isStream = True, bodyType = JSON }) requestNumer "true" return $ Message header payload -- | closeStream politely shuts down an RPC stream. -- TODO: closeStream needs to be more adaptive. It only accounts for -- real streams. closeStream :: Stream -> IO (Either Text ()) closeStream stream = case (status stream, streamType stream) of (_ , Async) -> return . return $ () (Open, _ ) -> either (return . Left) (manageStreamConn stream) $ newCloseNotification (streamID stream) (Closed, _) -> return . return $ () (_ , _) -> return $ Left "could not close stream" -- ErrorNotification is the format used to communicate a stream error between peers. data ErrorNotification = ErrorNotification { message :: Text , stack :: Maybe Text } instance FromJSON ErrorNotification where parseJSON = withObject "Error" $ \v -> ErrorNotification <$> v .: "message" <*> v .: "stack" instance ToJSON ErrorNotification where toJSON arg = object [ "name" .= ("error" :: Text) , "message" .= message arg , "stack" .= stack arg ] -- TODO: deduplicate closeStreamWithError and closeStream code -- TODO: Verify close operation on error -- Does the remote end send an 'true' message to confirm? Or is the -- connection simply dropped. closeStreamWithError' :: Stream -> Text -> IO (Either Text ()) closeStreamWithError' stream err = do if streamType stream == Duplex || direction stream == Incoming then do let msg = ErrorNotification err Nothing let flags = def { isStream = True, isEndOrError = True } err <- writeStream stream flags (JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode msg) either (\err -> logMsg (conn stream) $ "could not notify remote of error: " <> err ) return err else logMsg (conn stream) $ "closing stream with error: " <> err atomically $ do let table = streamTable stream value <- takeTMVar table putTMVar table $ Map.delete (streamID stream) value return . return $ () where streamTable stream = case direction stream of Incoming -> streamsIn $ conn stream Outgoing -> streamsOut $ conn stream -- TODO: Merge newCloseErrorNotification with newCloseNotification It has -- proven difficult to use the ToJSON typeclass as an argument. newCloseErrorNotification :: Int32 -> Text -> Either Text Message newCloseErrorNotification streamID msg = do let payload = JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode msg let requestNumer = -1 * streamID header <- newHeader (def { isEndOrError = True, isStream = True, bodyType = JSON }) requestNumer "true" return $ Message header payload closeStreamWithError :: Stream -> Text -> IO (Either Text ()) closeStreamWithError stream err = case streamType stream of Async -> return . return $ () otherwise -> either (return . Left) (manageStreamConn stream) $ newCloseErrorNotification (streamID stream) err -- TODO: Properly translate RPC errors -- TODO: Close stream within lock to avoid race conditions readStream :: Stream -> IO (Maybe MessagePayload) readStream stream = do let table = streamTable stream table' <- atomically $ readTMVar table let result = Map.lookup (streamID stream) table' msg <- case result of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (stream', chan') -> if status stream' == Closed then atomically $ join <$> tryReadTChan chan' else atomically $ readTChan chan' table'' <- atomically $ takeTMVar table let table''' = case msg of Nothing -> Map.delete (streamID stream) table' Just _ -> table'' atomically $ putTMVar table table''' return (body <$> msg) -- | readStreamJSON reads a single JSON message from the RPC stream. readStreamJSON :: FromJSON a => Stream -> IO (Either Text (Maybe a)) readStreamJSON stream = do resp <- readStream stream case resp of (Just (JSONPayload buf)) -> return (Just <$> decodeJSON buf) (Just otherwise ) -> return (errPayload resp) Nothing -> return . return $ Nothing where errPayload payload = error ("expected JSONPayload but got " <> (show payload :: Text)) errEOS = error "end of stream" writeStream :: Stream -> Flags -> MessagePayload -> IO (Either Text ()) writeStream stream flags payload = do status <- atomically $ streamStatus stream if status /= Open then return $ Left "stream closed" else do let msgID = case direction stream of Incoming -> -1 * streamID stream Outgoing -> streamID stream let flags' = flags { isStream = not $ (streamType stream) == Async } let header' = case payload of (BinaryPayload p) -> newHeader (flags' { bodyType = Binary }) msgID p (TextPayload p) -> newHeader (flags' { bodyType = UTF8String }) msgID p (JSONPayload p) -> newHeader (flags' { bodyType = JSON }) msgID p case header' of Left err -> return $ Left err Right header' -> do let msg = Message header' payload writeMessage' stream msg where writeMessage' = manageStreamConn -- | writeStreamJSON writes a single JSON message to the RPC stream. writeStreamJSON :: ToJSON a => Stream -> a -> IO (Either Text ()) writeStreamJSON stream msg = do let buf = Aeson.encode msg writeStream stream def (JSONPayload $ BS.toStrict buf)