-- | This module implements Scuttlebutt's Box Stream. -- -- For more information kindly refer the to protocol guide -- https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide module Ssb.Peer.BoxStream where import Protolude hiding ( Identity ) import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import Data.Either.Combinators ( mapLeft , mapRight ) import Control.Concurrent.STM import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as Serialize import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP import Ssb.Aux import qualified Ssb.Identity as SSB import qualified Ssb.Peer.SecretHandshake as SH import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Nacl import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.Auth as NaclAuth import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as Nacl import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.ScalarMult as Nacl import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P -- | HeaderLength is the length of a Box Stream header in bytes headerLength :: Int headerLength = 34 -- | MaxBodyLength is the maximum Box Stream body length in bytes maxBodyLength :: Int maxBodyLength = 4096 data Header = Header { bodyLength :: Word16 , authTag :: AuthTag } deriving (Eq,Generic,Show) instance Serialize.Serialize Header -- | GoodBye is the message signalling the end of the Box Stream goodByeHeader :: Header goodByeHeader = Header { bodyLength = 0 , authTag = AuthTag $ BS.pack $ replicate authTagLength 0 } newHeader :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Either Text Header newHeader authTag body = do let bodyLength = BS.length body if bodyLength >= maxLength then Left "body size too big" else return $ Header { bodyLength = fromIntegral bodyLength , authTag = AuthTag authTag } where maxLength = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) data Message = Message { header :: Header , body :: ByteString } encryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString encryptMessage key nonce buf = do let (authTag, ebody) = Nacl.secretboxDetached key bodyNonce buf header <- newHeader authTag ebody let eheader = Nacl.secretbox key headerNonce $ Serialize.encode header return $ eheader <> ebody where headerNonce = nonce bodyNonce = increment nonce -- | A breakdown of the message alignment would be nice -- | Problem is the body size is variable -- | TODO: deduplicate -- | TODO: safe take, safe tail -- TODO: handle goodbye -- TODO: Properly describe the function w/ Nonce update -- The decryption / update functions should return the nonce after -- evaluation. This increases the difficulty for describing in the language. -- Current work around is to model the behaviour outside the function. decryptHeader :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text Header decryptHeader key nonce buf = do let eheader = BS.take headerLength buf headerBuf <- withErr (errHeader eheader) $ Nacl.secretboxOpen key nonce eheader decodeByteString headerBuf :: Either Text Header where errHeader h = "could not decrypt header: " <> (show h :: Text) decryptMessage :: Nacl.Key -> Nacl.Nonce -> ByteString -> Either Text ByteString decryptMessage key nonce buf = do header <- decryptHeader key nonce buf let rest = BS.drop headerLength buf ebody <- withErr "message body is smaller than messages body length" $ takeMay (fromIntegral $ bodyLength header) rest withErr (errBody ebody) $ Nacl.secretboxOpenDetached key (increment nonce) (extractAuthTag $ authTag header) ebody where errBody b = "could not decrypt body: " <> (show b :: Text) goodBye :: ConnState -> ByteString goodBye state = Nacl.secretbox (key state) (nonce state) $ encodeByteString goodByeHeader -- | clientToServerKey is the key for client to server stream encryption. clientToServerKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key clientToServerKey sharedSecrets = do secretB <- withErr errMissingB $ SH.secretB sharedSecrets let layer1 = SHA256.hash $ SHA256.hash ( SH.network sharedSecrets <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets) <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets) <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets) ) let layer2 = SHA256.hash $ layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretB maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2 where errMissingB = "missing shared secret B" errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key" -- | serverToClientKey is the key for server to client stream encryption. serverToClientKey :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Key serverToClientKey sharedSecrets = do secretA <- withErr errMissingA $ SH.secretA sharedSecrets let layer1 = SHA256.hash (SHA256.hash ( SH.network sharedSecrets <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretab sharedSecrets) <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretaB sharedSecrets) <> Nacl.encode (SH.secretAb sharedSecrets) ) ) let layer2 = SHA256.hash (layer1 <> SSB.extractPublicKey secretA) maybeToRight errKey $ Nacl.decode layer2 where errMissingA = "missing shared secret A" errKey = "badly formatted sodium secret box key" clientToServerNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets = do secretb <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secretb sharedSecrets key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey secretb) let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf where errBadNet = "badly formatted network id" errMissing = "missing shared secret a" errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce" serverToClientNonce :: SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text Nacl.Nonce serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets = do a <- withErr errMissing $ SH.secreta sharedSecrets key <- withErr errBadNet $ Nacl.decode $ SH.network sharedSecrets let auth = NaclAuth.auth key (SSB.extractPublicKey a) let noncebuf = BS.take 24 $ Nacl.encode auth withErr errMsg $ Nacl.decode noncebuf where errMissing = "missing shared secret a" errBadNet = "badly formatted network id" errHMAC = "badly formatted HMAC" errMsg = "badly formatted sodium nonce" -- The documentation's Client / Server key and nonce terminology is replaced -- with local/remote fields to simplify implmenentation. data ConnState = ConnState { key :: Nacl.Key , nonce :: Nacl.Nonce , remoteKey :: Nacl.Key , remoteNonce :: Nacl.Nonce , buffer :: ByteString , socket :: TCP.Socket } newtype Conn = Conn ((TMVar ConnState),(TMVar ConnState)) inc :: (Word64, Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64, Word64) inc (w1, w2, w3) | w3 /= maxBound = (w1, w2, w3 + 1) | w2 /= maxBound = (w1, w2 + 1, 0) | w1 /= maxBound = (w1 + 1, 0, 0) | otherwise = (0, 0, 0) -- TODO : finish me increment :: Nacl.Nonce -> Nacl.Nonce increment arg = fromMaybe undefined $ Nacl.decode $ Serialize.encode w1' <> Serialize.encode w2' <> Serialize.encode w3' where noncebuf = Nacl.encode arg (b1, e3) = BS.splitAt 16 noncebuf (e1, e2) = BS.splitAt 8 b1 w3 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e3 :: Word64 w2 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e2 :: Word64 w1 = fromRight undefined $ Serialize.decode e1 :: Word64 (w1', w2', w3') = inc (w1, w2, w3) -- | TODO: update me for handling multiple encryptions newConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState newConnState socket sharedSecrets = ConnState <$> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets <*> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets <*> Right "" <*> Right socket newServerConnState :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> Either Text ConnState newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets = ConnState <$> serverToClientKey sharedSecrets <*> serverToClientNonce sharedSecrets <*> clientToServerKey sharedSecrets <*> clientToServerNonce sharedSecrets <*> Right "" <*> Right socket -- TODO: Fix underlying network functions -- Send never seems to fail. send :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ()) send state buf = runExceptT (TCP.send (socket state) buf) read :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (Maybe ByteString) read state 0 = return Nothing read state bytes = do buf <- TCP.recv (socket state) bytes case buf of Nothing -> return Nothing Just buf -> if BS.length buf == bytes then return $ Just buf else fmap (buf <>) <$> read state (bytes - BS.length buf) -- TODO: Keep connection terminology tied to peer and local. -- Using network terminology such as 'server' can be confusing in other when -- functions are used in other contexts. connectClient :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn) connectClient socket sharedSecrets = do let state = newConnState socket sharedSecrets case state of Left err -> return $ Left err Right state -> do rstate <- newTMVarIO state wstate <- newTMVarIO state return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate) connectServer :: TCP.Socket -> SH.SharedSecrets -> IO (Either Text Conn) connectServer socket sharedSecrets = do let state = newServerConnState socket sharedSecrets case state of Left err -> return $ Left err Right state -> do rstate <- newTMVarIO state wstate <- newTMVarIO state return . return $ Conn (rstate, wstate) disconnect :: ConnState -> IO (Either Text ()) disconnect connState = send connState $ goodBye connState -- TODO: Find out how to avoid these stair cases readStream' :: ConnState -> Int -> IO (ConnState, Either Text (Maybe ByteString)) readStream' connState bytes = if BS.length (buffer connState) >= bytes then do let (buf, rem) = BS.splitAt bytes (buffer connState) let connState' = connState { buffer = rem } return (connState', Right (Just buf)) else do buf <- withErr errNoHeader <$> read connState headerLength let header' = buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce' if header' == Right goodByeHeader -- TODO: Error if not enough bytes available then return (connState, return Nothing) else do let bodyLength' = bodyLength <$> (buf >>= decryptHeader key' nonce') case bodyLength' of Left err -> return (connState, Left err) Right bodyLength' -> do ePayload <- withErr errNoBody <$> read connState (fromIntegral bodyLength') case ePayload of Left err -> return (connState, Left err) Right payload -> case decryptMessage key' nonce' (fromRight undefined buf <> payload) of Left err -> return (connState, Left err) Right payload -> readStream' (updateNonce . appendBuffer payload $ connState) bytes where errNoHeader = "could not read header" errNoBody = "could not read body" key' = remoteKey connState nonce' = remoteNonce connState updateNonce connState = connState { remoteNonce = (increment . increment) (remoteNonce connState) } appendBuffer buf connState = connState { buffer = buffer connState <> buf } readStream :: Conn -> Int -> IO (Either Text (Maybe ByteString)) readStream (Conn (mVar, _)) bytes = do state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar (state', ret) <- readStream' state bytes atomically $ putTMVar mVar state' return ret sendStream' :: ConnState -> ByteString -> IO (ConnState, Either Text ()) sendStream' connState msg = do let eMsg = encryptMessage key' nonce' msg case eMsg of Left err -> return (connState, Left err) Right buf -> do ret <- send connState buf return (updateNonce connState, ret) where key' = key connState nonce' = nonce connState updateNonce connState = connState { nonce = (increment . increment) (nonce connState) } sendStream :: Conn -> ByteString -> IO (Either Text ()) sendStream (Conn (_, mVar)) buf = do state <- atomically $ takeTMVar mVar (state', ret) <- sendStream' state buf atomically $ putTMVar mVar state' return ret -- | authTagLength is the AuthTag size in bytes authTagLength = 16 newtype AuthTag = AuthTag ByteString deriving (Eq,Generic,Show) instance Serialize.Serialize AuthTag where get = AuthTag <$> Serialize.getByteString authTagLength put (AuthTag buf) = Serialize.putByteString buf extractAuthTag :: AuthTag -> ByteString extractAuthTag (AuthTag buf) = buf -- | Aux functions takeMay :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString takeMay l arg = if BS.length arg <= l then return $ BS.take l arg else Nothing